Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Jason Jordan, Gurba’s Critique

The passage written by Myriam gubra is good based on my opinion, because of how well she expressed herself. She never just let things be as It Is, she just go after It. Like when the publisher told her not to be so critical, she just up and left to find another publisher. Also I enjoy how she stand up for herself despite all the hardships she have been through. For an example, when people were shocked her grandfather was a publicist, she hated how the react and made sure they knew. In addition, when Jeanine was talking about the Mexican people she referred to them as these people. Gurba hated this because Jeanine Is almost saying It like they are not on the same playing field. This showed me that Gurba is very prideful and doesn’t take kind to disrespect, which I can respect. My only question Is do Gurba still publish any writing pieces?


  1. DeAndre Badresingh

    I agree with you because I found it eye opening that they were surprised that her grandfather was a publicist. There were many stereotypes that Gurba addressed in her essay and I agree with her approach towards it

  2. Moose

    I agree with you because when people refer to other races as ā€œthese peopleā€ it can be very offending and Gurba wanted to shine light and inform people to understand culture before writing or speaking about them. Understanding other cultures can stop stereotypes and negative criticism.

  3. JoharM

    I agree with you. This wasn’t an average internet post being mad at someone for false representation, this was a writer being mad about false representation and working to expose and correct it for her community.

  4. Jourdan

    I completely agree with what you said about Gurba being prideful and taking anything from anyone. I realized that once I saw “pendeja” written in the story, I knew that Gurba wasn’t messing around. She meant business and honestly, she did a great job of criticizing Cummins who shouldn’t have wrote that piece in the first place.

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