On May 5, 2021, It was pouring rain, and there was a living thing in a garbage can. Unfortenly this living thing mom left it in the garbage can with their brothers because that was the only place where they can get some heat since it was really cold for them. The mother also went to get some food from the other garbage can since she relied on that to survive with her babies. Thankfully, a man noticed those fragile creatures and sheltered them in his house. Those creatures were kittens, and they needed a lot of their mom in order to survive. A cousin of mine told me that men offered her some of the kittens since he was working a lot. She accepted the offer. At first, she thought it was cute because it looked easy to take care of. However, she looked stressed out. She would get up as soon as the kittens would cry, and also stimulate them to make their necessities. However, she told me that she enjoyed doing this because it bring her happiness knowing that those kittens are in good hands. She offered me one, and I took care of it.