It was a cold winter evening. The wind was hitting the exposed skin like Sharp needles. It was hard to breath when the giant gust of wind it the face. Running trying to make to the restaurant on time. Hoping and praying she won’t be mad at how long it’s taking me to get there. Out of breath but not giving up. This is where my New York walking speed comes in handy. Finally, the restaurant doors are in reach. Quickly opening the door, the warm hit the skin. It feels so good to be warm. There is see the women of my dreams. Rushing to her saying “Don’t be mad”. All she does is bust out laughing. She says, “omg your cheek and nose are so red, Rodolph the red nose reindeer”. We both end up laughing as my cheeks get redder from blushing so hard. She looks so amazing crazy how we have been together for a year now. After a while of eating and talking and celebrating 1 year together.  

The worst part of the dinner come. The bill making its way to our table. This is where a good evening takes a dark turn. The disagreement on who’s going to pay begins. This disagreement has been going on since the dawn of our relationship. Many hypotheses have been tested and they have all fail. One was just rushing to get to the waiter’s hand. The other was just taking it out of each other’s hands. There was one where you pay one dinner and just alternate throughout the dinners. They all failed one after the other. They never felt fair because one of us mostly her would end up saying “You always pay, or you never let me pay”. Finally, a fair and easy solution was made. The fun game of rock, paper scissors. This game has ended all disagreement on who’s going to pay. The best two out of three games get to pay, and the loser just must deal with it. The score right now is 20-15. Let’s just say there’s no way the score will tie any time soon.