Prof. Jessica Penner | D493 | Spring 2022

Abraham De La Rosa, Final Reflection (First Draft)


  1. Luis

    I mostly enjoyed this reflection because you were taken through the entire semester and you can clearly understand what the writer was thinking and processing through that time. As a writer, Shahat has learned that sometimes it’s best to take yourself out of “scholar mode” to reach your target audience better, and in that way, you can connect from writer to reader. The writer improved his writing skills by being more concise with his papers, he would bloat the pages with information but now he’s learned that less is more. The writer will take what he knew to better connect with his audience, making any of his future papers more meaningful. I suggest that the writer add a little more about how they have changed as a reader.

    • Luis

      I just noticed I wrote Shahat my bad I meant Abraham

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