The best definition of civil disobedience I came across was in the Stanford’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy and it argues that civil disobedience constitutes “a public, non-violent and conscientious breach of law undertaken with the aim of bringing about a change in laws or government policies.” Proverbial demonstrations of civil disobedience including Mahatma Ghandi’s Salt March, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, etc. all fit within the confines of this cleverly sewn definition. However it is less clear whether or not Antigone’s decision to bury her brother was politically motivated. I think to find out whether or not this was an act of civil disobedience we must explore her motive a bit further. Was Antigone burying her brother to shed light on some sort of injustice? I would argue that she was. Even though at first glance it may seem like Antigone is burying her brother only out of her love for him, I think Antigone’s reasons for disobeying the orders of Creon extend further than the constituents of love. I believe Antigone is doing this also in protest for basic human rights more specifically the right to a proper burial. If that be the case then Antigone is definitely exemplifying civil disobedience.