Tuesday (February 8) is on a Friday schedule, so we aren’t meeting!

Before class on Thursday, February 10, students will…

  • If you haven’t already, respond to the Discussion Question â€œMother Tongue & Code Switching: Language and Community”: Think about language and the different ways you communicate or speak. Choose a word or phrase that you use with one group of people (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) that would not be understood by a different group of people in your life. What is the meaning of this word or phrase and how would you explain it to someone who is an outsider to the group who uses it?
    • Don’t create a post, simply make a comment on the question on our site! Don’t know how to add a comment? Click here.
  • Be sure to post your completed Full Name, Core Values under Introductory Work by class time on Thursday.
    • Need a refresher on how to post on OpenLab? Check out this tutorial.
  • Read John Swales, “Reflections on the Concept of Discourse Community” before Thursday’s class. It’s 10 pages long, so I strongly urge you to start reading ASAP!
  • While you’re reading Swales’ work, find two quotes you find compelling. Write down each quotation and then explain what you found interesting (or even confusing). You MUST do this before we meet on Thursday in order to actively participate in class!
  • Review Butte College, “Double-Entry Reading Journals” before Thursday’s class.

During and after class, students will (otherwise known as homework)…

  • Read other students’ Core Value paragraphs under Introductory Work (found under Student Work). This is a great way to get to know your classmates!
  • Discuss Swales’ work and define â€œdiscourse community.”
  • Write a Post/Submit an Assignment in which you do the following (approximately 200-250 words):
    • Create a “double-entry journal” exploring two observations that Swales makes about discourse communities. To do this, use the two quotes from Swales’ work you found compelling earlier. Write down each quotation and then explain what you found interesting or confusing.

Follow the template below for this assignment (look at the example below of how it should look on OpenLab):

Quote 1: “Quote” (Paragraph X, Lines X-X)

Explain why you feel connected to or confused by this quote:

Quote 2: “Quote” (Paragraph X, Lines X-X)

Explain why you feel connected to or confused by this quote:

An example of how your post should look on OpenLab.
  • This post must be complete and published under Unit 1 Work (which is under Student Work) by class time on Tuesday, February 15. Title it Full Name, Swales’ Quotes.
    • This is the first low-stakes writing assignment for this class! Remember: low-stakes assignments are worth 30% of your overall grade!
    • We’ve talked about how to post on OpenLab in class, but here’s a tutorial if you need it. (You have to join this class in order to create a post!)

Upcoming homework for Tuesday, February 15: