ENG 1121


I feel like I should write a letter to the people who are in power countries. My target audience is people who are not indifferent to problems Lands, as well as those that have sufficient weight in political and economic life of all countries. I would like this letter to be read representatives of the legislative and executive branches of all without exclusion of countries. Continuous technological progress, continued enslavement nature by man, industrialization, which has changed beyond recognition the surface of the Earth, have become the causes of the global environmental crisis. In at the present time, such environmental problems such as air pollution, destruction ozone layer, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil pollution, ocean pollution and overpopulation. Since the audience wide, then I decided to write a letter, not a speech.

Air pollution is an environmental problem that is not by hearsay familiar residents of absolutely all corners of the earth. They feel it especially acutely representatives of cities in which enterprises of black and nonferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries. In some cities, the atmosphere is also heavily poisoned by vehicles and boiler houses. Factories emit harmful substances such as dust, oil ash, various chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides and much more. Measurements air show the catastrophic position of the atmospheric layer, polluted air is the cause of many chronic diseases. In addition, they affect air pollution and forest fires. Air pollution negatively affects health human, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases. Very a dangerous symptom for humanity is that air pollution increases the likelihood of having children with developmental disabilities. Transcendent the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere causes premature childbirth, newborns are of low weight, and sometimes dead babies are born. If a pregnant woman breathes air containing elevated concentration of ozone and carbon monoxide, especially in the second month pregnancy, she has three times the ability to give birth to a child with a developmental defect such as a cleft lip, cleft palate, defects heart valve. In addition, natural ecosystems are being destroyed, destroying plants and causing the death of living beings (in particular, river fish). I am writing to you because we urgently need to solve this problem. In the first of all at the highest level. So I suggest you several different ways out of this difficult situation:

– start replacing fuel with environmentally friendly ones (solar energy, energy wind and sea currents, and the transition to electric motors for cars);

-Develop waste-free production;

-Reduce the amount of waste, and for this you need to create such products and packaging that were harmless when decomposed;

– Planting trees, renewing the “lungs of the planet”;

– Punishment for environmental pollution both by enterprises and population;

-Environmental education of the population of all countries.

Of course, I understand that such a huge problem cannot be solved right away, but at least some steps need to be taken every day. Our planet must remain habitable for our future generations. I’m hope you hear me and it won’t be too late and you can still change, without causing any more harm to everyone living on Earth.

Writing plan:

1) To whom the letter is addressed.

2) Reasons for writing a letter on the topic.

3) Possibilities of getting out of the problem.

4) Conclusion