Kevon Dawkins

English 1121


Words Counted:506

                                   Micro Assignment #7

  • Write a few sentences explaining which model you are choosing (the speech or letter) and why.

Writing Speeches can influence your writing and your mentality of improving your vocabulary skills.Based on my experience of writing,I believe speeches help you build confidence especially if you are depressed or any emotional disorder.To be honest,there is nothing wrong with speeches that everyone has their own dogma of pros and cons about this type of literary writing.I love writing speeches that you can declare your argument that others loin as a result its like a battle of speeches that the best wins.Writing speeches can dedicate not only yourself but motivate others that they believe in writing but are discouraged.

  • Answer this question: How do you think this specific genre will help you to make your argument?

Writing speeches that benefits/supports my argument can improve both thesis and counter argument based on my opinion/perspective.Arguments can encourage team participation and critical thinking that most of us lacks.When listening to other peoples opinion,I put my position in theirs so can visualize what they meant,thought or believe that I can relate to their view.

  • Describe your audience. Think about how or why this particular group may see you (the speaker/writer) as different or even less knowledgeable than they are on this particular topic.

My audience can be influential that I can encouraged the facts than opinion that most people believe in post truth statements.Having spectators is beneficially that we love to argue in our daily lives to bring about a change that we like to have.On the audience hand/view they can see me as a friend /relative/hero that persevere hard work no matter what the outcome is. I,the leader, should motivate everyone that writing speeches can influence your public speaking which can benefit not only you but can teach others as well that can impact/influence others also.

  • Create either an outline or a summary organizing your thoughts. Whatever you prefer to make clear (to you and to me) what the main point of your piece will be and how you will make your argument.

For my excerpt speech summary on Frederick Douglass “What to the Negro is  the Fourth of July” is that based on my dogma .I think Douglass is declaring that he does not honor fourth of July,until slaves are set free.He also believes that anti slavery sentiments will overthrown anti slavery abolitionist.Douglass also criticize the American ideology of slavery that people criticize him because slavery means to them so they dont care but eventually in the end,they will understand the experience slaves go through.This thesis supports my argument that can bring about a change due to the fact that some states are still living in slavery.To be honest ,no one know what’s going on in behind closed doors that history repeats when our eyes are closed as a result we are not aware of our surroundings.