Kseniia Dychenko


ENG 1121

Word Count: 421

I would like to share my experience as a leader of the volleyball section. When I was elected as a leader for the first time I ran into the first problem. This is the ability to motivate players of the volleyball team to succeed in competitions.

On the one hand, I played well myself, but I did not know how to make everyone play well. A friend on my team helped me.  Together with her, we developed a master class to improve the game of all the girls. We studied the game of most popular team by watching their games. We saw how you can play with the greatest impact. We trained really hard and we applied it in the next training session. We learned how to work as a team. We realized that the main thing in the game is trust in our players and everyone’s responsibility for their actions. After that, the team began to win prizes.

Before my leadership, the composition of the team was constantly changing, which influenced the quality of the game in general. Therefore, my next task was to keep the contingent. I realized that I needed to unite the team, to emotionally devote. For this, we came up with the idea to arrange costumes to play in at each of ours birthdays. We prepared for each such day in advance. They invented and made costumes that characterized cartoon characters with their own hands. Often they dressed up for such holidays either with Mickey Mouse or Malvinas’ costumes. Of course, our team became close, we went to trainings with a great desire, and we all became good friends. After that, we took first place among other schools.

But we realized that we were already in the last grade. Therefore, the next task that we saw was to leave a strong team after we graduated from high school. Therefore, we began to look for a replacement from the students in the middle school. For this, we did not need to invite the students; many came to us as spectators. Therefore, after our training, we taught them how to play. It was very interesting for me, as well as for all the team members. Because we saw how the girls grow in their skills. For myself, at that moment, I realized that hard work, perseverance, ability to negotiate, collectivism will lead to good results. When I was first chosen as a leader, I did not expect that this responsibility for the team would change me so much.