Monthly Archives: October 2013

Journal 7 – Project Proposal

When I started this class and understood the concept behind it , I started to think how I will be able to apply everything that I’m learning to projects that I might be doing in the future or what can … Continue reading

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Journal 7 – Project Proposal

I honestly don’t know what do for a project. I am interested in sound/audio and LEDs and would enjoy doing a project related to those areas. I have an idea in mind but am not sure how to accomplish it. … Continue reading

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Week 7 – Project Proposal

Halloween is fast approaching, and costumes have been on my mind. While I’ve been thinking long and hard about getting a Suitjama, I’m afraid that in NYC that just might not cut it. It’s not quite flashy enough. It needs … Continue reading

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Week 7-Final Project Idea

For my final project my team consists of me, Marcos Lambarty, Steven C. and Vincent Gil. The project that we are going to do is the quad rotor helicopter. We have all decided that the best way to go ahead and start the project is to buy one … Continue reading

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Week 7 Journal Entry- Project Proposal

My team consists of myself, Steven C., Vincent Gil, and Sergio Lombardo. The project that we are proposing is the quad rotor helicopter. We determined that the best way to go about the project is to buy one and modify … Continue reading

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Week 7 Journal Entry – Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I will try to convert this ugly stuffed animal into an interactive toy the “Hell Rabbit”. This toy will be seating in a doorway and triggering people’s proximity with an IR sensor. When a person enters … Continue reading

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Proposal for Final Project (Rough Draft) by Frank Mason

This is the design template that I will be working with in accordance with my final project. However, I will attempt to implement my ideas into my version. It is an Arduino based DIY open source Game Boy with its … Continue reading

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cockroaches as actuators/robot overlords

    Your morning dose of technological wonder/a glimpse into the dystopian future. Cyborg cockroaches!   Robots that can out run you!

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Journal 6 – Controllers

The micro-controller I have chosen is the Arm Cortex A8. This chip will be used in the upcoming Arduino Tre which will make it the most powerful Arduino to date. It features a 1GHZ processor which is very fast compared … Continue reading

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(late) Journal Entry Week 6

Microcontrollers can found in almost everything nowadays. But I was surprised to find out that one of the most popular ones to use is still that which is considered the Granddaddy of them all.   Of course being who I … Continue reading

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