Juan Correa Final Project LED Arcade Controller Nov-Dec 2014

Below is a PDF I uploaded of all my labs for the final project I hope they can be viewed. I created in word but It did copy and paste as intended in the post.

MTEC2280 Juan Correa Arcade Controller Log Rev

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Interactive Picture Frame: Project Documentation

Objective: Document the project, report the problems encountered and how we solved them.

Materials: Photo, Glass, Arduino Uno, Adafruit “Music Maker” MP3 Shield for Arduino, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Senso Module for Arduino, Male DC Power Plug to 9v Battery Button Connector Cable, Duracell Coppertop 9v Battery, Speakers(?) and frame (3d printed), Micro SD card and SD card reader.

Methods: Project was basically split in two parts:

1- Design and 3d printing the frame: It was necessary to adapt our project to the limitations of the 3d printer (MakerBot Replicator2) that we have access in school, and print the frame in 4 parts to be glued together.

2- Figuring out hardware and software necessary to complete the project.


* MakerBot Replicator2 Buil Volume: 24.6 L X 15.2 W X 15.5 H CM or
[9.7 X 6.0 X 6.1 IN]

* Photo: we initially intended to used a 8’x10′ photo but due to the 3d printer build volume limitations, we will have to print a  5’x7′ photo.

* Glass: also have to resize the glass accordingly to the size of the frame we were able to print in school.  It will be 0.05 inches thick and 2′  larger than the photo.

* MP3 shield sits on top of the Arduino Uno motherboard and we soldered all the other connections we needed to the shield. Would be better if we had just solder sets of headers on the shield. Here are the Adafruit page for the mp3 shield.

* Mp3 shield reads a Micro SD card. We upload tracks of birds sounds on a Micro SD card with an adaptor and a SD card reader.

* Initially we used a breadboard to connect the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with the shield. We used this tutorial to connect the sensor. Later, in order to fit the sensor on the frame, we wired directly to the shield.

* We connected a 9V battery in series with a ON/OFF button (a SPST – 2 terminals switch: 16A 125V) following this tutorial.

* We used the player_simple sketch from the Adafruit VS1053 library to play the sound of birds and the NewPingExample sketch from the NewPing library to sensor objects approaching the frame.

Discussion: Combining the two sketches was tricky. Our main problem was solved by commenting out a file that plays in the background on the player_simple sketch since we just need one single file to be played.
It would be better to have the frame printed in one single piece. We got an estimate from the newyork-ny-4766.theupsstorelocal.com and it would cost something around $800

Results: Arduino is able to sensor the presence of a viewer and when someone is 15′ from the frame, it plays sounds of birds. We didn’t have time to work with stereo sound to simulate the sound of birds flying away. But this is something that could be done in the future.

We have the 4 parts of the frame printed. We still need to glue the parts together, resize de glass and fit all the hardware inside of it.


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Sam Yannotti Final lab post

Objective: To create an Arduino based tone generator run with a passive low pass filter

Materials: Arduino Uno board & programming software, an unbelievable amount of wires, piezo buzzer (or a better pair of speakers), breadboard, variable resistors, 1uf capacitor


1) Find code for arduino tone generator

2) Install code on “arduino uno” motherboard

3) Install variable resistor to control pitch

4) Study passive LPF schematic

5) Configure breadboard to resemble schematic

6) Install variable resistor to control frequency range passing through the resistor

7) Make Ambient music ala Brian Eno

Results: A two knob hybrid synthesizer which can control pitch, and frequency range

Discussion: To be discussed tomorrow

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12/16/2014 Ben, Michael, Sabin

Objective: Make stepper motors move using a patentiometer and printing/fixing the connectors between mini par and stepper motor.

Materials: stepper motor, Blender, Mini Par, stepper motor, computer, Makerbot, Arduino.

Methods: Using new measurements fix the plastic conectors fit the stepper motor and the minipar. Make the stepper motors move using the patentiometer for pan and tilt.


Results: Made the connectors fit. In the process of finishing the programing to move the stepper motor.

Discussion: In the process of finishing the programing and set up.

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12/15/2014 Sabin Visan

Objective: Make connectors between two stepper motors and Mini Par

Materials: stepper motor, Blender, Mini Par. 

Methods: Use measurements from Mini Par and stepper motor to create custom connectors between them.


Results: Made two connectors between stepper motor and Mini Par.


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12/11/2014 Ben and Sabin

Objective: Making stepper motor move and controlling Rover using Xbox 360 controler

Materials: stepper motor, arduino mega, stepper motor shield, power supply, computer, rover and Xbox 360 controler.

Methods: Use computer code to determine how the steper motor will move, make steper motor move and control rover using a xbox 360 controler via a USB shield.


Results: Able to make the two stepper motors move slightly and was unable to make the rover move with xbox 360 controler.

Discussion:  Working on how to attach the moving parts to the motor, have to draw on 3D autocad and print out on makerbot.

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BoByBot (12/11/14)

Objective: Creating the shield for our robot.

Materials: Computers, makerbot, pliers, robot, smart phone.

Methods: We are using the makerbot software to make/design a shield for our robot.


Results: Were still working with the makerbot software, our shield should be done by tomorrow morning.

Discussion: Adding our shield, and just compiling and finishing up our data, and making great individual powerpoints, and a great short video.

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Darya Dubouskaya: Lab report 12/9.

Finally, I was able to upload a code from this recourse:


and connect it to arduino with micro sd card shield(lcsoft.net SD module card shield). Card shield is connected and talking to the arduino. Reading and writing files.

I tried to upload a .wav sample but it sound bad. Looks like we can play just 8bits 14Khz mono sounds.

Problem: Is there any way we can play better sound samples? Is it problem with speaker or library?

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BoByBot 12/9/14

Objective: To measure our robots length and width, so we can figure out the size for the shield our robot is going to have. We are also going to start making the shield for BoByBot.

Materials: The chassis,  3 wheels, screw drivers, cables, wire cutters, tape measure, arduino/bread board, the motor, and an android smart phone.

Methods: In order to know how big our robots shield should be, we measured and found out, Length = 135mm, Width = 200mm, Height = 75mm. Then our ardunio/breadboard had to be moved over a slight bit to accommodate our shield. In order to do that, we had/have to deconstruct some of our robot. (Took off a few screws and disconnected a few wires.) Blender was also used in helping with the shape and design of our shield, and what the final product “might” look like when it’s done.


Results: We got done most of  what we said, in our objective. We got the measurements of our robot, to determine our shields size. Also took apart and moved our ardunio/breadboard over slightly to accommodate our shield, when it is done. We realized that a rectangular shield might interfere with our back wheels, so we figured out that part of the shield should be curved so it can fit above the wheels.

DiscussionHopefully by the end of next class our shield will be ready to attach to “BoByBot”.

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BoByBot (12/4/14)

Objective: Today we are testing out our robot again and seeing if after we fixed the controls, our robot will move better and more foward, without any issues.

Materials:  The chassis, 3 wheels, screw drivers, cables, wire cutters, arduino/bread board, the motor, and an android smart phone.

Methods:  We took off the wheels to, test/listen to both motors carefully, we realized we a different sound coming from each motor. We also figured out that our issue had nothing to do with our code.


Results: Our robot worked well today, just one of the wheels felt alittle more heavy then the other. One wheel was making our robot move slightly to the left, while we were controlling it.

DiscussionWe are hoping to get the issue with one of our wheels solved so it doesn’t make our robot slightly turn to the left, each time we want to move our robot forward while controlling it.

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