BoByBot 12/9/14

Objective: To measure our robots length and width, so we can figure out the size for the shield our robot is going to have. We are also going to start making the shield for BoByBot.

Materials: The chassis,  3 wheels, screw drivers, cables, wire cutters, tape measure, arduino/bread board, the motor, and an android smart phone.

Methods: In order to know how big our robots shield should be, we measured and found out, Length = 135mm, Width = 200mm, Height = 75mm. Then our ardunio/breadboard had to be moved over a slight bit to accommodate our shield. In order to do that, we had/have to deconstruct some of our robot. (Took off a few screws and disconnected a few wires.) Blender was also used in helping with the shape and design of our shield, and what the final product “might” look like when it’s done.


Results: We got done most of  what we said, in our objective. We got the measurements of our robot, to determine our shields size. Also took apart and moved our ardunio/breadboard over slightly to accommodate our shield, when it is done. We realized that a rectangular shield might interfere with our back wheels, so we figured out that part of the shield should be curved so it can fit above the wheels.

DiscussionHopefully by the end of next class our shield will be ready to attach to “BoByBot”.

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