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Category: Unit 3 (Page 12 of 23)

Progress on New Genre

When I started off with assignment three I had everything played out. I knew how I wanted it to look and what I wanted to say. Then I came across some problems. These problems weren’t nothing major. I was having problems in searching for a template.  I also got stuck when it came to what I wanted to say. I wanted to get my message across but I don’t want to bore nobody. I want my message to be brief and thorough. As of now I am progressing with the content. I also am finding pictures and 3-D stickers to add to my social media post. I am making sure that I put enough and not too much. I do not  want to over do it. I learned more about the genre that I am portraying for this project. At first I was calling it a social media post. Now I am calling my genre a Magazine Editorial Instagram story. I am calling my genre this due to the fact that it has a even amount of pictures and text. Im going to try my best to make sure my text does not sound like I am repeating myself. I sometimes get confused when uploading pictures to my project because I have not used Canva in a while. I chose this genre because technology is taking over the face of the world. There is also not one type of social media platform so no matter what age you are you can use it. I really wrote about how the latest fashion trends are co-existing in the era we live in right now. I explained where each trend originated from. I really want my audience to take away that you can’t just put on a piece of clothing and call it fashion. Fashion goes deeper than just wearing the clothes. It has a origin, a place, and a nationality or ethnicity. Fashion is also not just designer brands. In the generation that we live in today you would often hear “Designer is Drip” or people just calling designer drip in general. In reality designer is not really drip. Designer is just something you buy when you. have come to a certain point in your life where you can afford it. Also if you really want it or not. Designer is how you layout and put together an outfit. As for everything else I am pleased and I am excited to see how everything fits with each other and produce a final submission. For me I think my information from my autobiography helps a lot. I also believe that having an outside perspective and looking at it from my point of view as in a regular day of my life also helps me with this project. I honestly often come across my friends having discussion about fashion so sometimes I just like to hear them out and really have a second analysis of what they are talking about. There is nothing that is confusing to me and I hope it stays that way. Overall I am proud of the progress I made so far.

Rough Draft +Short Review Memo

Rough Draft

Home Economics was one of my first choices to write about . Especially throughout this unit where everyone has received the opportunity to express themselves in their writing pieces . I have heard about Home Economics in my high school journey , even in the start of it . The first time Home Economics was mentioned , I was a freshman . My English teacher always talked about being prepared for the future . She constantly said High school will go quickly without you even knowing it . But in that time , I was careless . One day in class , she began talking about her senior year experience . In my mind , I was telling myself that is not going to happen anytime soon . Then , I hear the course Home Economics and how it was a cool experience for everyone . The class covered different categories such as cooking , health , sewing , Family development and more . Being a carless teen myself , I became invested and asked myself why it all stopped . These are skills that we need to learn for the future.  If we can learn the subjects such as English , Math , Science , Or History , We can learn Home Economics skills . Anyone can remember what is taught to them , It takes time and dedication to learn . To illustrate my thoughts about Home Economics . I decided to create a comic . I find them entertaining for any reader even if it is long or short . My first thoughts were to write a text but I want to be able to make my audience see their options of choosing a school course in a unique way . The audience I am focusing on are High school students , I feel that they should learn the basics of life because they are a step closer to entering adulthood . The purpose of my piece is to give students an idea of how the Home Economics curriculum works and it’ s outcomes . Creating A comic was one of the best choices to pick for my topic ! I plan to obtain my audience by using this genre to give them a hint on how Home Economics is a useful skill . This course will teach you about basic life skills such a cooking , sewing , Health , Family Development and More than you can think of . Students will not be only learning  but within time they will gain confidence towards the end of the course . If you take it , all the skills you learned will get you prepared to raise a family or sustain yourself . Even if you go to college upstate or not , these skills are still important to learn so you won’t have to live with fear of not being ready to start adulthood or rely on someone constantly . From what I have seen looking over my composition , I feel proud because my piece shows a defined meaning of how Home Economics functions . The way I included an attention getter in the start of my comic was to show how students can have a moment where they ask themselves how life is after graduating . Or even have realizations that they are growing up and need to be prepared to learn life skills as soon as possible . And at the end , I used happiness to wrap the story up for the reason students will be ready to face life no matter the circumstances !

Short Review Memo

  1. Here is why I wrote about Home Economics as a comic , the message towards my topic is to present Home Economics to my audience and talk about the courses available for everyone . I also intend to describe the courses worth and its results . All I hope is to blend with my audience who are high school students , I want to convince about the importance of Home EC classes .
  2. I believe my project is going perfectly fine , the only problem I am facing is making it eye catching but with adding colors , cute icons , and designs will become a game changer . I think my work is well developed , using a comic website that has been provided has been a useful tool where I can see other works as an example to make my work unique . I am glad of the time I have invested on finishing this project
  3. I think that adding a character into a comic and using it to present Home Economics is a cool idea . My audience won’t only find it informative but find the short story interesting enough to get them to sign up for Home Economics in their next semester . One of the things I find confusing is the limit of pages for the comic , I made it short, so my audience won’t consider it boring ! We all know students can get difficult at reading long texts . Each section is organized in a good order , it indicates an attention getter and the course slowly gets introduced throughout the story . I have not used any information from the readings but used video sources presented in class to help me sort out my genre . I would give myself the chance to go over it and see If I have made any errors.


Video Progress

I decided to use iMovie for my video. In my project, I want to use images from the historical television website. Photos that have to do with geography and culture. I want to incorporate it into my project as one of my sources. My main goal is to educate people. I thought about naming my video “Things you should know before traveling”. It wouldn’t be a how-to guide, but it is still an informative topic I can use to attract traveler’s attention. I am still in the process of deciding what other sources I could include. I also thought about using background music/effects to set a mood and setting to the topic.

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