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Category: Unit 3 (Page 11 of 23)

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My video is doing well. As I previously said on the video progress, I am still debating between what sources I should include in my video. That is pretty much all I am struggling with, but I have an idea of how my video layout is going to look like.  I still haven’t decided on a song either. I want to be able to capture the audience’s and create a mood.

Unit 3 progress update #2

I have finished the script that I’m making for the project. The next thing to do would be to actually make the story and write my artist’s reflection. One thing I’m having some trouble with is making the reflection. I’m spending some time on how to make the opening seem interesting.

Statement and memo

  I always wondered why our generation was so different from the older ones. Why do people wish they were born in the 80s or 90s, or any time in the past? I realized that we have so many resources that have shaped our lives and will continue to affect our future. So why is this generation so lazy and shallow? My research was based on influencing the audience’s perspective, by including articles on past and present comparisons, as well as the technological benefits and disadvantages. What sparked my interest was frustration. How could people have the opportunity to be so connective and genuine but choose to be so materialistic, shallow, and complacent. My audience is for young adults and teenagers who always like to look at a screen. My purpose is to define our daily benefits for a different outlook and approach to our futures, to change the world for the better. It doesn’t have to be as monumental as making history, but awareness can lead to self correction and self benefit. Since you can’t control everyone, you can at least control yourself, and if everyone fixed their vices, the world would have been a dream. My cartoon piece is to take my analytical, monotonous research and apply it to a comical, simple storyline. Since our attention spans are limited, and our focus is drawn to visual presentations because of technology, I thought a comic would be fun to create and share, in addition to a creative process. 


I think my project is doing fine, I’m working on my script because I’m organizing the plot of the story while trying to see what lines go on each slide, also trying to get an idea on what characters to use given on the site. My goal is for it to be witty yet informative. I was thinking a scenario comedy might be effective, or I could format it like the Wizard of Oz, how Dorothy’s adventure was just a dream, or that’s what she thinks.  I’m working backwards starting with the ending first, so that it might be easier for a story. 


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