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Category: Discussions (Page 6 of 103)

final shitty draft

I feel very happy to say that I definitely got better in math therefore, I accomplished my goal from the beginning of the semester. At the beginning of the semester, I wrote “having a set schedule will help you accomplish your future goals”, I learned that having a set schedule certainly helped me organize my study times and homework time. Something that surprised me along the way of this semester was that I found myself having issues to maintain my schedule at times because I had other personal things to do but I always made sure to stay on track. I am proud of myself because of how well I ended my semester, I am so much better at writing papers and expressing what I am trying to convey in a clear way that the reader is able to understand and not feel confused. I believe my goals were the right goals to set because I am a full-time student and full-time worker, I did not want to overload myself and make myself feel stressed trying to keep up with so many different goals. Some of the readings we did in this class definitely helped me in different ways, my favorite one was “Three ways to speak English” by Jamila Lyiscott. This was my favorite because I related to the video a lot because I also speak three different types of English which are, the “professional” English I use at work, the “hood” English I speak around my friends and lastly the English and Spanish I speak when around my family members. Another one I liked was the “how to write a meaningful peer review” by Ron DePeter, this reading taught me how to give constructive feedback to my peers and not just write simples words but to actually get into it and respond with something that will help the writer.

final reflection-shitty draft



I thought English was all about grammar and essays, but this class made me realize English connects us all. The topics were not about English, but about life. Curiosity, presentational personas, and many current topics in this class have strengthened my literate capabilities. I was always a writer and a reader. Writing down my thoughts, or reading childhood novels and perfected my lettered perspective. English holds emotion, opinions, passion, and wonder. It records the now and affects the future. To know that even a shitty draft is not a mistake when writing, gives you so much freedom and creativity to write about whatever you want. Since I am a writer, I have learned how to think like one, and see how others write too. In the beginning, I was afraid of tests and how to use OpenLab, learning during Covid is hard but I’ve adjusted since this has become our new normal. I’m very grateful that this class has pushed me to look at English through life’s struggles, differences, and questions.

Draft Final Reflection

Being Part of a global pandemic has been a pro and con . It is shocking how the semester is about to end very soon , never have I thought that this semester would go by fast in this virtual world we are living now . Life itself has changed personally and academically .  There have been some good days , bad days, or even confusing ones . In the beginning of my freshman year , I constantly feared every day . There was not a minute where I felt comfortable knowing that there is a real world ! A world that consists of responsibility , hard work, and dedication . The key was be patient and not let those fears stop you from improving yourself .  Due to what we are living right now , I feel that every student is struggling . Without seeing anyone or having interactions , it is difficult . All I can say is that in this course I felt different than any other class . I blossomed.  All the unconditionally support by this course has helped me improve myself as a student . In short words , I am not afraid anymore . Looking back in time , I remember writing a time capsule . I mentioned to never give up ! That is exactly what I did . I have managed to embrace my writing styles which I find pretty cool. Never in my academic life I once felt comfortable writing or received the correct feedback for me to change the way I write . My plan is to mention a post I made with a comment from a peer , this feedback inspired me to put in more motivation to my unit 3 piece ! Receiving a simple comment from anyone can boost yourself , Let’s say you have errors . What can you do ? EASY go back and ready , you won’t regret it . Going back at your piece will make you realize what seems off and can improve it . Even if it is just a simple letter or word , these adjustments will be a better way to gain your audience’s attention . Another topic I will mention is about the Annotated Bibliography . This piece was challenging not just for me but for my other classmates as well . From what I can tell you I felt confident doing it. One of the reasons is because I had a bit of experience from my writing intensive course, I am taking my hospitality major . We were taught how to format it correctly ! Adding sources is one of the perks , you can choose an article or journal of what you found more informative that you can include . Adding two videos was amazing , I learned from professionals and their objectives . My topic was home economics , I am so glad everyone received an opportunity to express themselves about anything . Many peers wrote about special interests such as Climate change , Beauty Industry , Comics , Education and more ! To be honest , I even saw podcasts . In my mind , I always believed Podcasts were for only music-based categories but never had an idea that it was part of the English curriculum . All my life I thought writing was just writing , it did not matter . But now I comprehend what a writing piece can do in every genre .


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