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How to read as a writer

3 Main things I understood the texts

You have to depict word for word of a text to understand the meaning the author.

Both story were saying reading like a piece of artwork

imagination can make a story more interesting


The quote “I struggled to read in this environment” stand out because it shows he is stubborn and doesn’t want to give up reading in the dark. He was able to make connections he usually wouldn’t  make during he was in school or  when he read outside theatre  . His  concentration can relate to Oprah reading  as an art because it can have different meaning but the text is the same making the reader the writer. The reader turns the story into a puzzle that he breaks apart and pieces back together word by word to understand the concept of writing.

How to read like a writer

In Mike Bunn’s essay it explores how in everything we read and encounter in our daily lives will affect our writing and how we choose how to read or write. we read for information, but the right way to read is to see and notice how the story or article was constructed in order to understand the author purpose and figure how we could use those techniques in our own writing. We usually question everything we do in life, so why when we read we forget to?  Bunn mentions how we should question the author before we start  reading to better understand these choices before we even get to it. We should question what we read to figure out the significance.    Whenever i read i am always confronted by the question to why was it written and how did it impact me so much. Even when reading this article i think about the different techniques i could use such as starting with a quote. everything that i read i don’t just throw it away, i try to use it in my daily life even if its fiction it can always work as an inspiration. A simple text or an essay for college can identify how our friends or even teachers learn from us by the way we write and make our own choices to complete something so simple yet unique or something complex but still has meaning.

Reflection of “The Reader As Artist”

The Reader As Artist


The 3 ideas I got from the article

  1. People can know a lot of things from the words, we can understand those what are those words really mean, even the author’s feeling and emotion.
  2. How many details of the reading decide by your own imagination.
  3. For reading, people should have a stably and individually mind. To read or analyze the article without the biased which is mostly from the story, character, or background.

The interesting thing I want to talk about is the author says” The result was a heavy reliance on my own imagination to provide detail”. Why am I choose this part? Because I know that feeling. When I was a kid, I don’t like to read at all. I think those words are like the leaves in autumn, beautiful but boring. It can not attract me. But when I start to grow up, I can feel those things that the author wants to show up because I experienced more things. I know the world more clearly. I can feel their ambitions, depressing, happiness, or confusion. The author makes grand sceneries in my mind by a couple of words. It could be a poem, a script, or a letter. Every time you read it again, you can discover something new. The words never change. How much you can understand decide by your imagination and experience. The words have unlimited power. That’s amazing and that attracts me.


How to read like a writer


The 3 ideas I got from the article

  1. Read the article word by word, some of the words are very important. Change one word could make a vast difference in the whole paragraph’s meaning.
  2. To analyze an article is same as to analyze a bridge. We need to realize how does the author design and construct it, need to realize the effect of each “brick” inside.
  3. Always doubt about why does the author write like this, what effect does he want to reach. Will it have the same effect if I write it.

The interesting thing I want to talk about is the author says” You must look at a book the way a carpenter looks at a house someone else built, examining the details in order to see how it was made”. It does not mean that we can just copy-paste from others’ work. Like a carpenter, If you always build a house by using others’ blueprint, then you can’t do anything on your own. But if you learn about how does it build like this, or why should we use that. Finally, guess what, you can build a house on your own. You can build any type of house as you want. We can use other’s work for reference, but we can’t rely on it. That makes sense and that is how we learn about reading and writing. The most important thing is you must always define yourself as an artist. So I must become the person who builds houses.

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