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Week 2- “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn

Mike Bunn says, “You are already an author.” I believe what he means by this is that you already have a writing voice, have your techniques when writing. Some things I already write are responses to homework assignments like this one. Before you respond, you need to think about the question, what is it asking you to do? What is the most appropriate way to respond? I already do this when writing. I am sure everyone else does whether they notice it or not. You also think about what you are going to say when talking. You may not realize it because it happens so fast, especially when talking to friends. But when you are talking to a teacher or maybe a potential employer at an interview. You would be thinking about each word you say; you want to look more professional and confident. I believe reading like a writer can be beneficial to my writing because I can learn new techniques and how to be appropriate when writing a certain genre/topic. Writing papers will always be a part of classes in college. It won’t go away any time soon. In your career, you might have to send an email to your boss. Maybe you are the boss or team leader, you will need to create presentations based on who is your audience, and what are you trying to say. It could be an investor or just a team meeting. All these things will stay in with me in my life and your life. I loved how Mike made you think about his writing as he taught us how to read like a writer. He gave us multiple ways to understand what he is saying. If I ever do write an informative paper trying to explain it in different ways would be good, not everyone learns the same way. Describing it in different ways would help a lot more readers.

English #1

Mother Tongue/ Jamila Lyiscott

My experience with the English language is similar to Amy Tan’s experience. One quote that I could relate to is “when I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she”. I relate to this quote because I come from an immigrant family and the first language spoken is Spanish, due to my mother’s lack of knowledge in English I often would call pretending I’m her also.  I try to have her call and translate to her, but it is easier to pretend I am her because when I translate English to Spanish, I sometimes twist it or don’t know how to explain it in a way she will understand. In immigrant families where only the children know English, they become a translator for their family members from a young age. In Jamila Lyiscott’s video I can relate when she said “ so I may not always come before you with excellency of speech but do not judge me by my language and assume that I’m too ignorant to teach cause I speak three tongues: home, school and friends”. I relate to this quote because in past experience’s people judge me because my first language is Spanish and assume that I am not able to write and/or read like them. A lot of people would judge us immigrants just because we came from a different country, not knowing it is an advantage to speak two languages and have two different cultures. When I am working, I speak professional English, when I am with my friends I speak “hood” English and when I am at home, I mostly speak Spanglish. I believe my language switches up depending on the audience, situation and surroundings. Many people can relate to this because we speak differently to family members, friends and co-workers .

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan

when I first read this story I found it very interesting at first because I have never enjoyed reading at first but as I kept reading I found it really relatable. This made me think more of other things that I can read that will be as relatable as this story was. I have taken the different comments and there were somethings that I could have done to make it better.


PG #1 ” I am a writer. and by that definition I am someone who has always loved language. i am fascinated by language in daily life. i spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language– the way it can evoke an emotion, a visual imagine, a complex idea, or a simple truth.”

i fine this quote really interesting because it shows how she’s the writer and she can do whatever she wants and write however  she wants. This is her way of telling us her story. Another thing that catches my eyes is where she places her punctuations and comas, for some people it may look wrong but thats how she writes and tells you her story

PG #1 ” My mother was in the room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her.”

I found this quite funny because she has talked to her mother everyday I imagine and then once she’s at this place with her mother and she gives her story in this specific language, her mother is shocked and confused because she has never heard her daughter speak that way.

PG #2 ” And sure enough, the following week there we were in front of this astonished stockbroker. And I was sitting there red-faced and quiet, and my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting at his boss in her impeccable broken English.

This I found really interesting because they were supposed to received a check and never did. They were giving them more days hoping that they’ll get it but it never happened, so they end up doing exactly what they said they were going to do. They showed up to his manager and complaint. Amy was seating there quiet and embarrassed, while her mother is shouting at the manager in her broken English. When she speaks of her mother talking in ” broken English” it shows that she’s speaking her language and not the manager language in which I assume they are very different.

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