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Author: Katherine (Page 5 of 7)


Something I was interested about as a kid was how there was people on the moon. I had so many questions like, how was it possible for people to be on the moon for such a long time? Where did they get their food, water? How did they sleep? How did they get there? Asking questions helped my understanding of the process of how astronauts go to the moon and are able to stay there for a long period of time. I am no longer interested in this topic as much as I was before because throughout the years in school, I was able to have my questions answered and have a better understanding about the moon. I believe that while I was in high school, I lost interest in this topic mostly because they did not teach me much about space as I would have liked to, that made me lose my interest, but I did get to have my main questions answered. On my earth science class, the teacher briefly touched on the topic of the moon, or space to that matter. I remembered learning about the phases of the moon, but that’s about it. I learned more about rocks, natural disasters, layers of the earth, and climate. I wanted to learn more about space and the moon. I became interested in the topic of immigration as I am an immigrant myself along with my family. At the moment, there is an all-time high dispute whether immigrants should be allowed in the US or not. During this time because of the president we have discrimination against immigrants is seen more and more. I believe that we as immigrants need to know our rights. I am thankful that I am a United States citizen and speak and understand English, this helps me tremendously because I can learn about our rights and help other immigrants like myself.

A Talk To Teachers

I think that James Baldwin means that there is more than what we already know. Schools only teach us about what the white race have accomplished in history but barely teach about what Blacks, Hispanics, and other races people have done in history. By saying the “world is larger” he means that there is more that we could learn, there is a lot of unknown things out in the world. We have to go beyond what the school system is teaching us; it is our responsibility to educate ourselves higher levels. We have the right to view things from a different perspective. There is more history in the world and more things that happen other than what happens in America. We have to be open minded to other countries history because even though ours may be “terrible” there is far more worst things happening in the world.


What I wish was taught to me about in school is taxes. I believe taxes is a very important topic that should be taught in school because we pay taxes for almost everything and pay taxes for most of our lives. We go from graduating to getting a job and not understanding why and what taxes we pay. Also, we were not taught how many researchers have used black people for their scientific experiments which abuses them, use them as guinea pigs and lie to them. I believe this is something that should be taught because how James Balwin said “any negro who is born in this country and undergoes the American educational system runs the risk of becoming schizophrenic” we are taught limited things in school about the American culture, often leaving out what the blacks and other races have done for this country. That makes the black children feel undervalue and worthless.

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