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Author: Joel (Page 3 of 7)

Source entry #3(Newspaper)

Parkin, Simon. “Finally, a Cure for Insomnia?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 14 Sept. 2018, www.theguardian.com/news/2018/sep/14/finally-a-cure-for-insomnia.

In the U.K the number of patients who complained to their doctors about insomnia between 1993-2007 have doubled.   A London clinic founded in 2009 by Hugh Selsick revolutionized treatment for sleepiness.  Eighty percent reported major improvements while half claimed to be cured.  Selsick became an insomniac in 1993 and explored CBT and its effectiveness on those with insomnia.                Selsick contradicts the use of CBT through expressing his belief in sleeping pills.  However, CBT requires the patient to have a long term commitment.  A patient named Zehavah Handler attended the clinic in 2016 as she suffered from chronic insomnia.  The clinic offered a 5 week program that monitored the patients sleep through sleep journals and broke negative associations related to insomnia.  With CBT programs being far from becoming widely available, the sleeping pill Neomorexint is believed to be the current effective treatment for insomnia.

Two questions I have for the author is why would the owner of the clinic settle for distributing sleeping pills? Does Selsick plan on expanding the clinics overseas? I don’t understand the constant reliance on sleeping pills that show little to no progress. “Most long-term insomniacs show none of the telltale physical signs of fatigue. It’s a hidden, private affliction.” This quote left me puzzled as often when I think of insomniac I think of noticeable signs of fatigue such as dark circles, sleepiness etc. I would look up the effectives of this new sleeping drug Neomorexint. I would also look up to see if other clinics replicate the same program as Selsick’s. I would tell the author that the information was insightful, as it allowed me to learn about an alternative treatment to CBT. This online newspaper answered my research question & taught me of a new effective treatment other than CBT.

The use of the genre being a U.K newspaper offer a reliable source and extensive information on the subject being discussed. The author’s credentials seems reliable as they gave extensive information and wrote in a proper format. The author’s writing style was organized with no grammatical or punctual errors. The purpose for the article is to inform the readers that treatment known as CBT is slowing expanding and an alternative for CBT is a new sleeping pill. The author isolates there research to two individuals who suffer from insomnia; the owner of the clinic and a patient. This highlights the awareness of the audience as the readers who suffer from insomnia can relate to the individuals mentioned.

“…Handler wants to dedicate her life to helping others do the same; she plans to open her own insomnia clinic next year.” This quote stood out to me the most as a patient of the clinic was so moved by the process. The program moved Handler to quit her previous job to help others.


Source entry 2

Davis, Nicola. “Insomnia Sufferers Can Benefit from Therapy, New Study Shows.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 July 2019, www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/30/insomnia-sufferers-can-benefit-from-therapy-new-study-shows.


Around 30% of the U.K suffer from poor sleep;  1 in 10 meet the requirement for insomnia. The Journalist Davis Nicole discusses her struggles with insomnia, She reaches out to other insomniacs & monitors her sleep regularly. People with chronic insomnia often worsen there insomnia as they focus on the idea of sleep. Insomnia was often correlated as a secondary factor to anxiety or mood disturbances. Mental health disorders can be influenced by loss of sleep; Stressful times can effect a person’s sleeping pattern. Misleading information, forums, videos & products are prominent in “solving” sleeping problems. CBT(Cognitive behavioral therapy) is a promising treatment for Insomnia however in the U.K such treatment is limited.

I agree with the Journalist’s stance on insomnia. “I’m trying to figure out why curing insomnia is so hard when the problem seems so simple.” The journalist and many others including myself are left pondering this same question. “But I kind of think when people understood a little bit more what it is we’re saying when we say we’re really tired, then it would be taken a little bit more seriously.” Insomnia is a complex and misunderstood sleeping disorder as there is a lack of information to help cure it. Those with insomnia symptoms may often feel embarrassed to express it, as everyone can feel tired however not to the extent of a person with chronic or acute insomnia. A question I have for the Author is, Did she seek a medical professional who offers CBT & if so how effective was the treatment? What left me puzzled was insomnia wasn’t often treated when brought up to doctors. I would tell the author that their video was very informative, helpful and taught me new things about insomnia that I wasn’t aware of.

I would look up articles pertaining to CBT and analyze its effectiveness for those who suffer from insomnia. This article fully answers my research question with various perspectives,facts and statistics. The video offers extensive information & the credentials of the journalist is reliable. The author’s purpose for writing enhances her credibility as she herself is trying to find an answer to such a misunderstood sleep disorder. Her mentioning of her being an insomniac allows the audience to relate more to her. The style of writing offers the audience insight on insomnia & various perspectives on those who suffer from insomnia. The author’s overall credibility is reliable as she talks to a medical professional & elaborates on her own struggles with insomnia.

“I need more sleep because I like to be a happy person and fulfilling my potential.” This quote stood out to me the most as insomnia can effect a person in a multitude of ways and the severity of the effects are disregarded. Such effects are economically, socially, limited potential & mentally.

One source entry draft

“New Research: Identify and Treat Insomnia.” Sleep Foundation, National Sleep Foundation, 28 July 2020, www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/new-research-identify-and-treat-insomnia-early-reduce-risk-other-illnesses.

The article discusses insomnia being a common sleep disorder that often increase the risks of developing other illnesses such as depression, diabetes, hypertension & possibly death among adults. Six to ten percent of adults have an insomnia disorder. The common medication prescribed to those with insomnia are antidepressants & antihistamines. However, these two drugs are yet to be approved for treating insomnia. Two treatments such as CBT & approved hypnotic drugs have shown long lasting benefits, no side effects or risks. CBT is highly affective treating insomnia, however, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals to practice this treatment.

I agree with the article’s stance. The main point highlighted in the article is that insomnia needs further extensive research & a surplus of health care professionals trained in CBT therapies. “There is an urgent need for more public education about sleep and broader dissemination of evidence-based therapies for insomnia, and education and training to prepare health-practitioners to attend and treat insomnia complaints according to clinical guidelines.” This quote highlights the urgency of further research & preparation when treating insomnia. Two questions I have are why don’t people enter this line of the health field? Why do doctors still prescribe antidepressants & antihistamines despite them having bad side effects?

I would need to look up information about the two drugs typically prescribed and see their side effects & benefits. As well as the types of insomnia and the main types.  I would ask the author if they are discussing insomnia overall or one of five types of insomnia. This document informed me on the prescription that’s given & the  better performing treatment. I also learned the treatment given to patients with insomnia isn’t as effective. This document answered my research question in an informative manner. I liked the author’s style of writing as they inform the reader about insomnia through facts & statistics & elaborates on an effective solution to treating insomnia. The choice of genre offers reliable & proper credibility, influencing the reader to have a developing interest in insomnia.

“The authors observe that despite the widespread use of over-the-counter and prescription drug treatment, long-term use of such drugs is not well studied and there is little evidence of which drugs work best and for whom.” Overall this quote stood out to me because it underlines the critical issue of a condition that may accumulate into a medical condition being misunderstood.



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