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Author: Joel (Page 2 of 7)

Genre & Audience discussion

During unit 2 I talked about the latest discoveries for treating insomnia and how effective they are. I touched on the negatives of insomnia, what is universally offered to those with insomnia and breakthroughs made in research for a better treatment. This subject highlighted important information for those who suffer with insomnia. My target audience would be those who suffer from insomnia and are looking for current effective treatment. Those who have institutions offering CBT treatment within their area should take advantage of it. With CBT the individual can properly record their sleeping pattern and better themselves through psychological therapy. CBT has been shown to be a promising treatment however, practitioners in that field of work are scarce. My research is intended to inform those who have insomnia that there is alternative other than prescription drugs. It will offer them a new sense of reassurance as some people don’t like taking pills or the pills aren’t as effective. With this information they can gear themselves in the right direction regarding proper treatment. I want those with insomnia whether it’s chronic or acute to get the proper treatment that positively helps them go about their day better. With this intention of my audience being insomniacs, I think writing an article would be promising. An article can offer a wide array of information, facts and statistics. With an article I can emphasize the key points I learned throughout my own research. Videos regarding insomnia are scarce as an article can serve the same purpose and can be completed in a shorter time span. 



Overall I approached this research with one particular question: Is there a treatment for insomnia and if so, how effective is the treatment? My research led me to various articles diving deep into this question alluding an answer. I learned that CBT is a treatment for insomnia. CBT is a form of psychological treatment that allows the user to better themselves mentally through psychological training. This treatment proved to be beneficial to many insomniacs that were monitored. However, due to lack of practitioners in that field CBT isn’t widely accessible and is very limited. I learned that Neomorexint is a secondary effective treatment to insomnia, as this sleeping drug is widely available as opposed to CBT. 

I’m surprised that throughout the four articles I read only one admitted to being a secondary effective treatment. Disorders are often treated with prescribed pills so articles that target a refreshing alternative such as CBT is beneficial to those who want to digress from taking prescription pills. My question both deepened and changed. My question changed when one of the four articles introduced a beneficial sleeping pill and recommended it as CBT is far from becoming widely available. My question deepened as I continued to research; as I questioned why there is a lack of practitioners and institutions who offer CBT. 

What I learned is important because I had the opportunity to research a medical question I’ve always wondered. With this information I can approach those who are discussing the topic of insomnia or those who have extensive knowledge on proper treatment. I can approach a family member or a friend who has insomnia and genuinely understand their struggle with it. This research led me to acknowledge this sleeping disorder as a serious issue as it has many issues that come with it. If I were to ever develop acute or chronic insomnia in my adult years as it is typical I would know what treatment to look for.

I think my research question would be directed to an audience of those who suffer from insomnia or individuals concerned about someone who has insomnia. The articles I came across allowed me to understand the basic issues insomniacs face. With a basic understanding of the struggles I also learned about two treatments and their effectiveness. Those with insomnia or those who have questions regarding the severity or are studying this sleep disorder would enjoy this paper as it discusses the struggles that come along with insomnia and proper treatment. 


Source entry #4(Blog post)

Craig, Anne. “A Potential Cure for Sleeplessness.” Medical Xpress – Medical Research Advances and Health News, Medical Xpress, 1 Aug. 2019, medicalxpress.com/news/2019-08-potential-sleeplessness.html.

New research from Queen’s University’s Judith Davidson  discovered that insomnia can be treated effectively at a  doctor’s office without the usage of drugs. The British journal of general practice confirmed that CBT is a direct and effective cure to insomnia. The researchers at Queen’s university oversaw a methodical review in which patients underwent CBT treatment. With positive results from the analysis of 13 studies, 1,594 patients  produced moderate to large positive effects within 4-6 sessions of CBT treatment. CBT is a new treatment that is easily accessible to general practitioners. Without the usage of drugs this treatment can be highly effective against those who suffer from chronic insomnia.

I agree with the author as other research led me to the same treatment discover for treating insomnia. “The condition is linked to health problems including depression, difficulties in functioning, and large reductions in work productivity”. I agree with the author’s point as it highlights the effects of insomnia and express the severity of having it. Two questions I would ask the author are, is CBT affordable opposed to sleeping drugs prescribed by Doctors? Aside from General practitioners, should other medical workers be allowed to recommend CBT treatment? Other information that I would look up to better understand this article is, Cost of CBT treatment & accessibility of CBT treatment such as worldwide accessibility. I would tell the author that their research is reliable as they provided  facts and data collected. I commemorate them for their time for a sleep disorder that never had a positive effective treatment. “There is now a way for general practitioners (GPs) to help insomnia sufferers without prescribing drugs,” says Dr. Davidson.” I agree with statement as this new breakthrough in effective medicine allows for an efficient way in treating insomnia. This document answered my question with facts & data.

The genre being a blog and the author being a researcher allows for reliable credibility as they would validate their research through facts & data. The blog allowed for data to be given and a thorough answer regarding new treatment for insomnia. The author’s writing style was proper and the structure was well organized with no grammatical & punctual errors. The author’s purpose of writing was to inform the readers about new effective treatment and established reliability on the treatment through a methodical review. The awareness of the audience allowed for the author to isolate their study to appeal to those who suffer from insomnia.

“There is a very effective treatment that doesn’t involve medication that should be available through your primary care service. If it’s not, it should be,” says Dr. Davidson.” I agree with this quote because this treatment is very effective and is easily accessible.



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