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Author: Genesis (Page 6 of 12)

Source 4

Mosser , Russell, and Arthur Wolf . Why Study Home Economics. Why Study Home Economics , 1955, www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQm1C_iTIJM&feature=youtu.be.

Summary : This Short Film starts out with Janice looking for a course to take next term .Ā  Janice immediately tells her sister she is considering on taking Home EconomicsĀ  but she is against it . Her sister finds it not necessary and relies on her mother to teach the basics .Ā  The Next Day , Janice decides to talk to her teacher about the course .Ā  The teacher tells her that you need to know more than just running a house , She shows Janice what courses will be taught in class .Ā  The courses are preparation , Fundamental Principles Of Food Buying , Food Handling , and Preparation & Serving Of Family Meal .Ā  Other courses later on are Psychology Of Clothing , History Of Costume , Techniques of Dress Designing , and More . This will play role in your college education as well .
Reflection : I agree with this short film . Janice sister is part of the people who are against Home Economics and consider it not useful . But Janice’s Teacher provides more of detail in each course she mentioned throughout the film . In my words , I did not know fashion was part of Home Economics . I thought the main focus was to cook , clean , and know about health . Also The teacher mentioned Psychology of Clothing , Who knew that there was emotions within a piece of cloth we wear constantly . The Psychology of Clothing focuses on creativity which is something we use when we choose our outfits . The College Section provides information on what careers opportunities there is for you in the Home Economics Field . You can be part of Food Service , Teachers for Colleges & Secondary Education , Social Services , and Nursery . I find this very interesting you can learn so many things and pursue a job at the end of your studies . It is a go for anyone with special interest !
Quotes : ” You need to Understand the Principles Of Money Management ” I relate to this for the reason many of us are in a phase were we constantly spend on things we don’t need . With a Home Economics Course you will learn on how to use money on several things such as food purchasingĀ  .Ā  Especially how to use the money with the income you obtain .
” Your Real Success Or Failure as A Homemaker will be determined by your ability to determine by your ability to develop good family relationships ” This part of the video opens my mind on how behavior is an important factor well needed to gain a good bond within your partner or child .

Source 3

Delgado, Paulette. ā€œIs Home Economics Still Relevant in the 21st Century?ā€ Observatory of Educational Innovation, Observatory of Educational Innovation, 6 Oct. 2020, observatory.tec.mx/edu-news/home-economics-21st-century.

Summary : This newspaper talks about the history of Home Economics Throughout different Era’s .Ā  The first Home Economics course gives us an idea on it’s goals which were to incorporate discipline by cooking , cleaning , and focusing on education .Ā  Later on , The Founders of the American Home Economics Association Ellen Richards and Catherine Beecher objective was to promote domestic education .Ā  Both individuals wanted to be sure that their students learned what’s being taught by dividing the study of Home Economics into sections . Those sections were separated into seven areas in Cooking , Child Development , Education And Community Awareness , Home Management and Design , Sewing and Textiles , Budget and Economy , andĀ  Healthy & Hygiene . Currently these Home Economic courses are not available anymore but are in favor of bringing it back ! One of the reasons are because it focuses on food education for students .

Reflection : I agree with Paulette Delgado’s views because she explains more about the start of Home Economics courses , What doĀ  I mean by that ? History of it is shown by mentioning individuals who took action into promoting these courses .Ā  This gave me an idea on the CurriculumĀ  was in that time . Ellen Richards & Catherine Beecher sections that were divided are what we see mostly . One of the categories I believe are seen on the daily are Health & Hygiene because women need to learn how toĀ  control future illnesses . Another thing is Home Management & Design . Not only do we learn how to decorate living rooms , room’s or kitchens but we can learn how to be organized and learn about household chores .

Quotes : ” Students were assigned aĀ real baby from an orphanage, and the women were taught the latest theories about raising children. At the end of the school year, infants would be given up for adoption. By 1950,Ā more than 50 institutions of higher education incorporated “practice babies” into their curricula.Ā  This made me think of how babies work . Eventually , We will begin to have our own family . In hospitals once we give birth ,Ā  Nurses insist that we need to take classes on how to take care of a baby , How to feed it , and How to calm him or her down . With a Home Economics course we could learn about raising children instead of investing our own time later on after hours of pain .

Source 2

Business, Fox, director. Bringing Home Economics Back to School Curriculums . Bringing Home Economics Back to School Curriculums, Fox Business, 16 Nov. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE2V4v1PlD4.

Summary : This interview talks about the reasons why Home Economics is essential for our lives . In the beginning , It is mentioned on what is not being taught . These important things our society needs to have knowledge from learning basic cooking , reading leases , and sign a cellphone contract . The Founder of Seed Life Skills & Chef named Hugh Acheson wants to bring back Home Economics because he finds it as a “easy fit into class structure ” .Ā  He sets examples such as cooking and real life Necessities we need to learn . Acheson’s goal is to give the student body options . The person interviewing decides to ask on what can stop getting the program Acheson is proposing into other schools . One of his points of views are that the home economics course would differ ,Ā  It would not be considered standardized testing like most courses students take in schools , Scores would not take place . The Home Economics class would be an elective which will be easy to get in .
Reflection : I agree with Hugh Acheson thoughts about Home Economics .Ā  He demonstrates how everything that will be taught in the Home economics class will be valuable in your life by cooking and more .Ā  In addition , Acheson tells us on how the course will be structured in education . His given information on how this doesn’t play effect in academics will relief students who want to get good scores so other schools can see what their strengths and weaknesses are . It would also give students to feel more confident as he wants to give students more options in their education . Other examples given by the person who is interviewing Acheson tells us that he is putting experiences and food together in one combination .
Quotes : ” None of Us Really Don’t Cook Anymore ” is said by the Chef and Founder of Seed Life Skills Hugh Acheson . This quote made me realize on how the future generation are not putting any dedication to learn anything useful that will be used within their lives later on , When they are going through a new transition such as moving away to college , buying a house , or even marriage .
Another Quote I found quite touching is ” There some thing’s that we learn in school that we never forget ” because Acheson Tells us if he taught us how to cook something we will always remember it no matter if it is successful or not .
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