A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Frida Martinez (Page 3 of 8)

Video Progress

I decided to use iMovie for my video. In my project, I want to use images from the historical television website. Photos that have to do with geography and culture. I want to incorporate it into my project as one of my sources. My main goal is to educate people. I thought about naming my video “Things you should know before traveling”. It wouldn’t be a how-to guide, but it is still an informative topic I can use to attract traveler’s attention. I am still in the process of deciding what other sources I could include. I also thought about using background music/effects to set a mood and setting to the topic.

Proposal For New Genre- Frida

In unit two, I discussed cultural differences between Mexico and the United States. I also gave a background history of Mexican culture. I believe this was a good topic to talk about because there are many people in the world who are curious about visiting another country but don’t do research before visiting. The audience I want to attract is travelers. The genre I want to display is a video talking about the cultural differences in each country and explaining how culture, environment, or geography is different from what they are used to. This will give me a chance to educate and almost guide future travelers when they decide to visit. I want travelers to experience a country’s culture for what it truly represents. Going in-depth as to explaining the different types of foods people eat in each country and how family plays a huge role in the culture. Certain traditions and customs that are still practiced in Mexican culture were inspired by the country’s history. The main message I want to get across is to be open to exploring new places. Individuals should be more aware of the world and not just based on their surroundings. There is much more to life.

Introducing Research Topic- Frida

Topic: What would it be like to live in another country? Specifically Mexico. If I ever wanted to move out of the country, I should educate myself about it first. Is living in Mexico similar to living in the United States?

Questions: Why am I interested in this topic? What information will I find that goes completely against what I was expecting to find?  What genres might provide me with good information?

Many of us wonder what it would be like to live in another part of the world. It is something we’ve all been curious about at some point in our lives. I always had a strong desire to travel around the world and maybe even settle down somewhere else that is not in the United States. Let’s just say I wanted to move to Mexico, but how would I know what that is like when I don’t know much about the country itself. The only information I have on the country is based on my visits there. Since I have family in Mexico, I was able to gain knowledge on many different things that make Mexico and the United States different from each other. Many people like myself assume that life in another country is like living in a dream.  For instance, just take a look at New York. People see the city skyscrapers and huge buildings and they automatically assume that everyone here is rich and is living their best lives. However, it is not what it appears to be like in most cases. The same thing goes for Mexico. Life in Mexico is different in so many aspects. It is different economically, environmentally, and culturally. My goal for this task is to learn more about the lifestyle people live in this country as well as sharing my research with others in case anyone else wants to travel one day. It will be important for those individuals to keep some of these things in mind so that they can ask questions of their own. That is the beauty of curiosity. There are many things that the education system lacked teaching me and I would like to explore beyond what education has limited me to learn. As I continue my research, finding out information that I am already aware of may go completely against what I was expecting to find. Genres that will provide me with good information for this topic are genres such as history, travel literature, narratives, and adventure. These genres will help me discover more about my topic and inform me more about Mexican culture.

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