
Gaille Louise. “12 Pros and Cons of Technology”. Vitanna Personal Finance Blog. (September 14, 2019)

As to any object, topic, or event there’s a good and a bad to it. Though “a weapon isn’t good or bad, depends on the person who uses it, “ according to Jet Li.  Louise Gaille mentions how technology has lead to global destructive weapons, and identity theft by hackers. It is a leader of health problems, lack of privacy, and is an expensive upkeep for maintaining one purchase and the latest modules.

While reading, it has deepened my negative opinion. The blue light is dangerous for your eyes, and it’s hard to fall asleep after looking at a screen since it keeps your mind awake. It can cause depression based on the negative comments or insecurity from market platforms. Nothing is private, everyone always posts where they are, what time it is, the weather, what you’re eating for lunch, a full description in your bio of where you went to school, age, and your hobbies. There’s this rumor that the government watches your every move, like Big Brother, through that small camera. Or that every search, click, and like is recorded even if you delete it.  Even buying a technology item isn’t cheap.  Take one company for example,  Apple, which is very expensive. AirPods are roughly a hundred and sixty dollars, for something that is smaller than your index finger. It’s also addictive, they are programmed to keep you online for as long as possible.  Companies can increase the amount of ads with the dial of a button, for more screen time.  “If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product, “ as mentioned in the Netflix Documentary, The Social Dilemma, a film based on the problems of technology. We are all wrapped around technology’s little finger, hooked onto it for daily needs and entertainment. Our future could turn out to be the lifeless fat blobs in WALL-E.

“If humanity were to ever become extinct, there is a good chance that technology would provide a needed assist.”

“Many forms of technology, from computers to televisions to automobiles, cause people to sit for a majority of their day. This constant sitting could be just as dangerous to a person’s health as smoking could be.”

“Then consider cameras and CCTV in most public locations and it is possible to track a person’s every movement online and in real life.”

This has furthered my curiosity on how much technology is part of our lives, even when we don’t know it.  Even a person without a phone, can be traced, watched, and kidnapped through technology. We could all blow up right now, if someone bumped into the nuclear missiles panel. Oblivious to the fact that every news, post, ad, or comment, is all being controlled for certain hooked outlook or business. This brings up a lot of questions to mind, with the certain urge to disappear from the face of the earth and burn my phone. But that won’t happen, since I’m too attached to this technological, shallow society.