Topic:  What would it be like to live in another country? Specifically Mexico. If I ever wanted to move out of the country, I should educate myself about it first. Is living in Mexico similar to living in the United States?


  • They have different money currency. (peso)
  • Different culture.
  • Different climate.
  • Many monuments.
  • They are more traditional
  • The have different housing structure due to natural disasters.


  • Why is their currency different from U.S dollar.
  • Understanding the history behind monuments such as Pyramids in Mexico.
  • Geography/ natural disasters that occur.
  • learning about why they celebrate different holidays that the U.S doesn’t. Does it have to do with culture/traditions? or Mexican history?
  • What holidays are celebrated differently such as hallowen.
  • Cultural differences.


  • the Mexican peso produces higher returns than the U.S. dollar because of higher interest rates.
  • Pyrimids in Mexico were created by the aztecs. It was once known as the part as the aztec empire. The pyramids in Teotihuacan is said to be about 2,000 years old.
  • The climate over there is tropical. The usual temperature in all areas of Mexico ranges between 50°F and 90°F throughout the year.  Mexico regularly suffer from natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and volanoe eruptions.
  • Mexico celebrates different holidays such as Benito Juárez day, Flag Day, Boy Heroes Day, etc. As well as religious holidays.
  • Holidays such as Halloween and Christmas are celebrated differently. Christmas holidays are celebrated religiously (Las Posadas: From December 16 – December 24). On the day of Halloween, Day of the Dead is celebrated. On this day families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion with foods and drinks (Celebrated from October 31st-November 2nd)
  • People in Mexico greet with a hug and kiss.