Dear Future Students !  

I am so happy you are starting this new journey in your life . The first few days of college can make you feel like things are changing , They are but I promise you it is in a good way . As time goes on , You will learn a lot of things ! About life , Peers and professors you are taking in the semester .  What I can recommend to you all is to not worry , you got this . Always Try your best ! If you need help, go ask for it , I can tell you from my experience I asked questions more than ever in my life . I felt strange because it was not me , As time went I changed in the greatest way possible .  Another thing I want to share out is to be open with your peers ! You can do this by creating a group in any social media such as Whatsapp , Instagram or Snapchat. It will be a way to help you through the semester . But if you are struggling with any subject like Math Or Science , The College has many resources ! To wrap up , Remember always keep your head up no matter what comes along the way , There are going to be days where you just can’t handle it anymore but you will do it . Good Luck 😉 in this journey live it up !