Hey there. I know you don’t know me but I definitely know how your feeling. I have been in the same exact position you are in right now. Yes, it’s true! I felt the anxiety, the adrenaline, and the feeling of just thinking everything is going to go wrong but it’s not. Everything is going to be ok. Your going to be ok because you got this. Your professor and along with your other professors are here to help. Ask a question or two. Someone might be thinking the same thing your thinking. Form a group chat with people that have the same classes as you and remember to not take everything head on. College is a topic you pick and have classes on based on the required degree you need for that topic. Don’t just stick to college.. Take on a trade, a skill, or a hobby because that might just be part off your future as well. Most importantly take it one step and one day at a time and just know you will succeed.