The first time I was introduced to computer games was at the age of 7. I don’t really remember the name of that game, but it was pretty addictive. I wanted to play it every day for at least half an hour. But at that time, it didn’t affect me that much, and I had a good childhood time without pc games. But later on, at the age of 12, I was really into a  game named GTA vice city, where you have to do the works of robbery, theft, killing, etc., to pass the missions. It was so addictive that I would eat, take a shower, and pray late. Sometimes I used to get angry because someone called me while I was playing the game. Right now, I understand how addictive it is for me at that age. Even at this age, I get addicted to certain games once I start playing for a while.  From that understanding point, I really want to talk about consuming our valuable time and changing our way of thinking. Especially kids and teens as their brain is absorbing more and more ideas at that age. I want to talk about how some people are being left out, and to pass their time and socialize; they put themselves into violent games and many other ways to remove their boredom and isolation. It has been seen in many shooters that they were being left out, abused and to fill that up, they get themselves into violent games, and from that, they get emotionally triggered.  Later they do what they see in their game. It’s like a “monkey sees, monkey do’. To keep me away from games, I try to work on different skills like photography, Adobe illustrator designing, video editing, etc. Besides that, the amount of study I get from college really doesn’t get time for playing games, which is a positive side.  I would tell many people when they get to college, their gaming time reduces significantly.  Some still make time after college and play a good amount of time. If I could keep this up, I don’t have to worry about getting addicted to video games and not wasting my valuable time. Talking about this topic mostly inspires when one of my uncles showed me a video of a boy who killed his whole family, and when the police got there, he was playing a game. That really made me angry. He lost his mind and couldn’t comprehend reality and virtual life playing that game called Halo 3. I really don’t like it when this type of people don’t care about what is happening around the world and putting their heart and soul in something that will probably bring no good to them. I want to talk about why this is happening to us and how we can prevent it.