A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Proposal For New Genre- Frida

In unit two, I discussed cultural differences between Mexico and the United States. I also gave a background history of Mexican culture. I believe this was a good topic to talk about because there are many people in the world who are curious about visiting another country but don’t do research before visiting. The audience I want to attract is travelers. The genre I want to display is a video talking about the cultural differences in each country and explaining how culture, environment, or geography is different from what they are used to. This will give me a chance to educate and almost guide future travelers when they decide to visit. I want travelers to experience a country’s culture for what it truly represents. Going in-depth as to explaining the different types of foods people eat in each country and how family plays a huge role in the culture. Certain traditions and customs that are still practiced in Mexican culture were inspired by the country’s history. The main message I want to get across is to be open to exploring new places. Individuals should be more aware of the world and not just based on their surroundings. There is much more to life.


  1. Katherine

    Hey Frida,
    I like that you are creating a video because I believe this will be an interesting way to catch the audience attention also to keep them focus because we will see how different the two cultures are. I suggest you use pictures in the video to show the geography difference between the two countries. Travelers are definitely a great audience for this topic as I myself, don’t do much research before traveling lol.

  2. Jacobo Cabrera

    I think you are right travelers should know more about the places they are going but this topic can be directed to everybody because many times people are not educated and they don’t know anything about other countries but their own, at the same time you should give ideas of what people could do so they can explore things on their own not tell them everything because some things can be surprises. Like I said before you should target all kinds of audiences, not just travelers. I believe a YouTube video would be a great idea because you can show pictures and that would make the topic even more interesting, usually, you focus more on things that are interactive than just words and words, the video can also have people from the countries telling the audience things they could do and interesting things like that. This is a very interesting topic, many times when I talk to my friends or other people and I ask them about other countries they do not know anything, in school, they never teach them about other countries and other countries everything was always about their own country and that’s it so you educating people about the world is a really interesting thing to do.

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