Al Jazeera English. 2019, 10, 1. What is climate change? / start here. YouTube.


This video shows what is climate change and what is causing climate change throughout the world. It states that the products we produce on a daily basis like the animals we eat, oil and coal, release gasses that goes up to the air and as a result of sunlight, some of the heat stay stuck in earths atmosphere. The heat that gets trapped in earth’s atmosphere is what causes the planet to get warmer, this is called the greenhouse effect. The issue with this process is that it is happening too fast. Many countries around the world are experiencing extreme weathers, like Europe is getting colder than the arctic, the glaciers that are melting add fresh water to the ocean but as a result of the heat, the sea level rises which causes floods in many different countries which causes people their homes. Many islands are at risk of disappearing due to the sea level rising. In 2016 countries have come to a mutual agreement called the Paris agreement; it is a pledge to keep temperatures from rising to 2 Celsius therefore, every country puts a limit to how much co2 they produce.


I agree with this film because in order for you to convince someone about something you have to have enough knowledge about the topic. In order for us to convince the next generation about climate change we have to know what climate change is and what is causing it also the effects. I believe that when people understand what climate change is, we will start making a difference, the film speaks about in order to slow down the climate change effects we could take action like reducing the co2 we produce daily or even reduce the amount of meat we eat. “Business as usual has got to change, politics as usual has got to change, in order to combat that we have to change the system that has allowed it to happen”, I agree with this because if we don’t tackle the problem from the root we will never be able to solve this world issue. This film has taught me a lot about my research since I did not know much about climate change, it taught me what is causing places that are meant to be cold to be warm. A question I still have is if the world leaders are aware of what their countries are causing to the earth, why don’t they find a solution. USA dropped out of the Paris agreement and other countries were not keeping their part of the bargain.


“Everyone can do that by shifting to renewable energy, reducing the use of cars, use trains more, cycle more, eat less meat, consume a bit more carefully.”