This part was mainly the part where I was more understanding of my topic and felt as I can explained it to others. The feed back was great for me because it also made want to explained it more and give other bonus answers that no one knew about them. I would like to do something like this again in the future in other classes. I would also like to revisit this part specially because I felt that this one was more important then others.


The reason why I’m so interested in this topic is because growing up I always saw them and knew what they were. When I was a kid I thought there were jeans only in America but there are actually all over the world and I wonder why ever since. I never did the research about that because it wasn’t bothering as much to answer my question. As a child I traveled from the Dominican Republic to the United states and started noticing that is was actually a really common style everywhere. When I do my research I expect to find the answers to my questions. I also expect to find more information that I didn’t know. I will find this about the past, the creators, what were they meant for, why they invented it and how they become so popular in the first place. If I find information that goes completely against what I was expected to find then ill still add it because it will be good to learn more about it and add more assumptions. If the information gets out of line and its not related to the topic then they wont add it. I will probably challenge my own assumptions because since I don’t know much of the topic and I’m trying to learn more about it then it would be best if i do. Something that would change my assumptions is learning about something that was never mention before or something that didn’t know about them and just discovered. I want to learn about something that I never expect and learn more about it. I think that a good source for these types of questions. Things you can ask if your interested in ” why are jeans so popular” is things like who made them, what was the reason they created them, what year did they come out. Questions like these are the things that will make you find a good source for them. By doing that you can also find more questions like for example they will tell you the difference of why jeans can sometimes be $10-$25 to $1000 and that’s mostly because of the brand they come from. Some brands will have a better material for jeans then other types of jeans, that’s why they will put them at a higher price and leave at that. People will tell if the jeans are better from the more expensive brand then from the cheapest brand.