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Curiosity doesn’t only begin from when we are young children. It begins every time we come across something that sparks a question in your minds. Something I was interested in as a kid would be fashion. Fashion meaning anything involving hair, makeup, and clothes. I was interested in this because it was where I could pore out all the creative ideas I had. It was more to me than just drawing and laying out my ideas with a piece of paper. I would ask my mom questions about the hairstyles that she has done in the past. From what color dye she used to how they got her hair so voluminous and why it was so shiny. As for makeup, I would watch her do her makeup every morning like a little baby that was fascinated by dangling keys or the game peek-a boo. Further more when it came to clothes I would just keep up with the clothing trends and added my own unique touch to my outfits. If it wasn’t for me asking my mom questions then I wouldn’t even have learned so much about fashion in the first place. The internet and being daring also played a big factor in my interest for fashion. Knowledge is brain power. It is also powerful to have and that is why administrators, family, or any one that is strict about education take it so seriously. However the eduction system has played a bad perspective on my curiosity. Most of the teachers I had said that doing cosmetology is not a strong profession. They also commentaries like I would not be receiving a decent to large income or even that it would be better off as a side profession and not my main career focus. There is some truth to what they said but I didn’t take in everything. I love fashion because it has been a passion of mine since I was little girl. I haven’t strayed away from it either but I have made the choice of making it my side profession because of another profession that interests me and that pays well. It will all work out in the end because I get to to do both.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    That’s very interesting, Jayda! I think fashion is a lot of fun too.

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