This occurred in my Junior year of high school. It was a cold morning in December and I was getting ready to take my first-period math final exam. I spent a sleepless night studying the night prior. The pressure was on. As I walked into my class that morning, I looked around and saw that my classmates were already sitting down with their test papers in front of them. I sat next to the teacher’s desks which made me feel even more overwhelmed than what I already was. I had two hours to complete the exam. I was not the best at math at the time so I already knew I wasn’t going to do well. Throughout the whole exam, I was distracted by the sound of sneezing and sniffling caused by my classmates. I was so anxious to finish. I felt my eyes getting heavier by the minute, but the bright light on the ceiling was what kept me up and also the fact that my teacher was right next to me. I knew this exam would affect the outcome of my final grade which is why I had to concentrate on the paper in front of me and set aside all my concerns and distractions. After I completed my exam I didn’t feel confident in myself. The grades were posted later that day and I saw that I got 73. It was not a failing grade, however I knew I could’ve done better if I studied more. It was disappointing to see that especially since we were told Junior year was the most important year for colleges. I put the blame on myself and on my teacher.