A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Hi! This is Frida.

Taking our courses online makes things more overwhelming because it is harder to communicate with professors and classmates. I feel like we are all a bit nervous, but so far I feel really comfortable about this class. I look forward to this semester and working with you all even though it is going to be online. I don’t really have any concerns about the class except for this open lab website. I am not familiar with it at all, but through time we will all get used to it and be able to navigate.

This picture is important because it shows how we were able to overcome the struggles we faced due to the pandemic and how in the end, it didn’t stop us from graduating.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Hello Frida,
    It’s all pretty overwhelming, I agree. I am sure you will become more comfortable with the OpenLab site as the semester progresses. You figured out how to post here, so that’s an excellent start! Welcome to the class!

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