With the semester underway

Today we are launching Swipp Email Insights so we are doing pretty good!! What about you guys? #new #email #marketing #customers #solution #happywednesday
Photo by Getswipp

We’re two weeks in to the Spring 2021 semester. Each semester so far has been so different, with Spring 2020 allowing for faculty and students to get to know each other and the courses before the switch to remote, and Fall 2020 imposing the obstacle of starting the semester without any in-person experience for the vast majority of courses.

What’s different about Spring 2021? We’re hopefully learning more and finding ways to foster teaching and learning using digital tools, kindness, and patience. But we’ve also used up much or most of our energy reserves.

With all of this in mind, we want to ask:

How are you doing?

What support do you need?

What’s something that’s working that you can share as inspiration?

No pressure to share, but if you want to, please feel free to share some thoughts in the comments here.

Spring 2021 Support

Jane from Central New York, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The OpenLab team is here to help you through this semester! Here are a few of our resources to help you through:

The Open Road offers OpenLab news, the full archive of what we’ve spotlighted, our support schedule for open hours and one-on-one appointments, information about how to request a workshop, and a link out to OpenLab screencasts.

Two really helpful modules, Teaching with the OpenLab, and The OpenLab for Students, can help instructors and students get asynchronous support for teaching and learning on the OpenLab.

Our email support offers anyone the opportunity to write in to get help with a specific question.

Finally, we hope you find a little comfort with our Comforting Content for COVID Coping. Sometimes we tweet comforting images or video from our Twitter account, @CityTechOpenLab, using the #ComfortingContent hashtag.

Is there topic in open pedagogy you’d like to see us address here on Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab? Let us know here in the comments or by getting in touch directly!