Author: Anderson Lazo (Page 2 of 3)

Week 6

After reading and seeing CNN’s response to Trump’s two year Facebook ban we can clearly see the effects of fake news.Trump as promoting violence by not allowing his followers to accept his defeat.He would continue to claim he was robbed during the elections and that it wasn’t fair.Everyone is fully aware that Trump had a fair chance at the elections and he lost,but his comments are known as fake news.Sadly in this case these fake news caused violence to be used in the capital.Fake news is already bad itself but it’s worse when those fake news cause  people to be violent.The Ban on Trump is 100% fair and it should honestly be longer.Fake news are all over the place but social media is where they most commonly occur.An example would easily have to be fake celebrity death posts which “inform” us of a celebrity’s passing but they are not always truthful.Those death posts could be very harming to a huge fan and including the family of this celebrity causing sadness in them until realizing it’s fake news.Overall fake news shouldn’t even exist but sadly we aren’t free from fake news yet .

Week 3 purpose and roles of journalism

While journalism has it’s many purposes, one clear purpose would be to inform people so a “good” decision could be eventually made.This is the examples in the article: can see the purpose being shown since we are informed of the case/blame that govern Andrew Cuomo has.This kind of case and blame definitely isn’t the first one at all but it is definitely a case that leads to a decision eventually.Being accused of rape isn’t by any means good what so ever but the main issue here would indeed be possibility of a future impeachment of the governor.This article informs us citizens of the issue that the governor is involved in.The people of New York would rather have a governor that isn’t considered a rapist rather than one that is.The information given leads to a idea that would  influence our decision making about this topic.The topic in which this case would be the impeachment.When we talk about the purposes of journalism we mention the purposes,but being able to see the purposes is something completely different.Overall the journalism that we have would always try to be beneficial for the citizens of their nations and states.


There are many things in this text that the author does to create this great interview essay.The most influential part of this interview essay is the fact the author includes the dialogue form the interview it’s self.That strategy causes the read to comprehend the topic much better because the author dose not paraphrase the words for the interview which could be misleading in some ways.The dialogue given is very helpful to better understand the real situation because it would allow us to not misunderstand The CEO of Ebony.We can “be part of the dialogue” since we are allowed to view that great amount of dialogue.In other words for me as a reader the strategy of including the the dialogue from interview is very helpful for a student journalist.



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