Maria is a clear victim of Social media.We see her as a victim because if it wasn’t because of social media she wouldn’t have the life that she has had.Social media allowed her to be arrested because of misleading information.Not only did it affect her with the law but it affected her whole life in general.Social media is somewhere where a person can easily fall into depression,loneliness,stress and a huge one being low self esteem due.Social media creates social standards which can be very harmful for being making them think they have to be and look a certain way.Social media is very difficult to make seem negative but it’s hard to be positive as well.In other words social media is very controversial.We can clearly see that Maria wouldn’t be a huge fan of social media and we can’t blame her.Although social media is very popular it honestly shouldn’t be since of all the unneeded posts that are not beneficial to users of social media.Many ways in which social media has been negatively affected us is visible in the many crimes committed just on social media.The lies and many posts can be harmful which can be very difficult to control.Maria is more than a clear example why social media should be more controlled in a way.