Week 4 : Discussion

An article that I decided to write about that can reflect the media and the world is about Poverty and Homelessness. The article talks about how the population itself has increased to more poverty over the years leaving towns and complexes to become one of the most dangerous areas, it’s a topic that’s not furtherly discussed often, and the percentages keep going up. Homelessness takes its origins from increased urbanization and gaps in social welfare. The reality of what brings one to the streets and the circumstances that lead to chronic homelessness is infinitely more complex. Poverty lacks social and family support,  and most important failed government policy leading to civil rights issues. For example, the LGBT communities who are living in poverty have no ability to absorb financial situations. People who are in poverty can be affected by various mental and health conditions such as psychiatric disease, mental and physical disabilities,  consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, and violence. Despite the many challenges, there are new roots in the causes of homelessness and the associated health and social consequences. These strategies included supportive housing, community empowerment, and mental/health strategies. Improving homelessness is important, eventually leading to poverty, it is beneficial to communities and systems, there are many websites and online applications that allow people to donate to the poor and give a helping hand, at this point society has relied on technology to the duties for them, we must look on how far it takes us.

Here is the article about  Poverty and Homeless Civil Rights issues and the effect on LGBT communities:

Poverty and Homelessness are Human and Civil Rights Issues


1 Comment

  1. Mark Noonan

    Very interesting topic Daniel. Perhaps you can expand on this interest in a later assignment.

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