Purpose of Journalism

One thing that I read from the article that shows that itā€™s doing their job is how they seek the truth. One of the key points I noticed in the article was how journalism is a storytelling purpose. Itā€™s not just to gather the audience but tell the readers the truth on what they have to know that is important. Another key point Iā€™ve noticed in the article is to not ignore citizens. Ignoring the citizens is the effect of disenfranchising them. When it comes to journalistic truth it is the process of verifying and assembling the facts. They have to provide the truth and be transparent. Lastly, with journalism you are also bringing people into the conversation because you want to add someoneā€™s voice to the conversation.Ā 

1 Comment

  1. Mark Noonan

    Good discussion Steven of the importance of the media in bringing out “the truth”. We be continuing this discussion next week. Stay tuned.

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