
Hello to all! My name is Keyri Jimenez. I’m 22 years old and I’m a senior majoring in Professional and Technical Writing specializing in social science. I’m from Bronx, NY. I play the piano and I’m a creative writer. I love working out and watching sports, but my most preferred sport to watch is Football.

To me the book that means the most to me is my Bible. I love it because it’s my truth and what has saved and changed my life.


  1. Mark Noonan

    Welcome aboard Keyri. It’s great to have a Professional and Technical Writing major in this course. Hopefully, you’ll find a final feature project that matches your interest in this area.

  2. Marina Rodrigues

    Hi Professor,

    My name is Marina Rodrigues, and I enrolled on this class last weekend. I missed the first assignment.
    My major is in Architecture & Technology, I’m from brazil living in the US for 7 years.

    Looking forward for this semester.


  3. Sean Suarez

    Hello Keyri Jimenez, I see that we’re partners for the interview assignment. Send me an email what form of communication is best for you so we can keep in contact and go in depth with this assignment more easier. My email is and I look forward to be working with you soon!

  4. Darnell Black

    hey i think we need to get in contact to finish this interveiw assignment my email is or you could send me yours.

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