Summer 2021

Introduction paragraph

My name is Jean Holmi Germain, a Health Sciences student. I am from Haiti, and I live in Brooklyn. My pronouns are He and Him, and I can be addressed as Jean. Among all the authors that I know, my favorite is Roxane Gay because I like the complexity and the beauty of her writings, especially in her novel” Bad feminist.” I love animals; however, my favorite is dogs, as you can notice in the picture below.


  1. Mark Noonan

    Welcome Jean. I’m a big fan of the Haitian writer Edwidge Danticat. Do you know her work? I look forward to your “bad feminist” perspective as we read our plays .

    Prof. Noonan

    • Jean Holmi Germain

      Yes Professor, I know Danticat’s work.

  2. Mark Noonan

    Welcome Jean. I’m a big fan of the Haitian writer Edwidge Danticat. Do you know her work? I look forward to your “bad feminist” perspective as we read our plays .

    Prof. Noonan

  3. Mark Noonan

    Welcome Jean. I’m a big fan of the Haitian writer Edwidge Danticat. Do you know her work? I look forward to your “bad feminist” perspective as we read our plays .

    Prof. Noonan

  4. Mark Noonan

    Welcome Jean. I’m a big fan of the Haitian writer Edwidge Danticat. Do you know her work? I look forward to your “bad feminist” perspective as we read our plays .

    Prof. Noonan

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