Summer 2021

Category: Discussions (Page 1 of 9)

A raisin in the sun

I found A Raisin In The Sun a very interesting read. I liked the story plot and found the characters interesting. Mama was my favorite character she is very deeply rooted in her dreams that she shared with her husband who passed away and is still very devoted to them. All of the characters had very different ideas of how the $10,000 would impact their life and what the best way to spend it was. I really enjoyed the part when Beneatha was attending medical school. It was a very good addition to the story of her aspirations of being a doctor considering she is a woman of color and at that time there weren’t many colored female doctors. Her aspirations to be a physician was interesting to learn about.  Walter, however is very naive and is trying to find some way to make some money and not really thinking through the consequences for his actions. Assimilation of the family in a white neighborhood was not something that Beneatha wanted, the need tp uphold the families roots was important and not trying to fit in with the wealthy white people.

Reading A raisin I the sun was a lot different than the movie in my opinion. Both were excellent, but I preferred the book because I was able to paint the picture the story was telling in my mind in a  much different way than the movie. The characters in the movie were wonderful and portrayed their roles very well.


A Raisin in the Sun

In the film A Raisin in the Sun you get to see the lives of African Americans and how they struggle financially. This film made me think of today and how we have so many people struggling financially because of COVID, a lot of families have had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to be able to get the necessities for their families. I truly loved the character of Ruth in the beginning since she was someone who was trying to stay honest and truthful when she told Walter that the money he was trying to use wasn’t his and it was his mother’s instead and that he had to go to work. A person who’s honest always has the most success. Unlike Walter, the character named Travis is a character that we see in the film that is determined to give his best in order to use for his school needs by working in a grocery store. I personally have seen a lot of people try to get money the easy way but eventually they realize that it’s important to work for what you want because money comes with working hard.

A midsummer’s night dream

I found it interesting how Hermia is in love with Lysander and not the man that her father wants her to be with, but  Helena is in love with Demetreius and is jealous of the fact that Demetrious seems to want Hermia but she does not want him. It’s an interesting cycle that happens in life, a person is interested in someone but the other person doesn’t feel  the same way.

I also found it so disturbing  that Hermia’s father sees his daughter as a possession that he decides what he does with and whom he gives her away to.  It’s frightening to think of what arranged marriages signify and that a father would go to the lengths of killing his own daughter for not obeying his wishes. It’s demoralizing to think that a parent would view their child as a posession rather than a person with their own opinions and feelings.

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