Journal Entries

Journal Entry  # 1

For my research over the break I basically just went over the parts Baker sent me.  I went through the first 2 animes he sent me, mainly going over their summaries and episode guides since I have watched those 2 animes previously in the past.   I also looked at the experiments of brain control with the rats and I was pretty surprised at the results.  It was incredibly interesting, especially since the rats were able to communicate and work together well.  It’s amazing how far technology is where rats can communicate their  thoughts via the internet, especially knowing that soon it’ll be doable with little to no effort in the future!

Journal Entry # 2

Found this interesting article about Augmented Reality.

Now what’s so good about augmented reality contacts?  Well really, it’s just cool in general and what they offer right now for AR contacts isn’t that much of a big deal.  If anything, as of now it more or so gets in the way of your vision with all of the lights and such put directly onto your eye.  As of now, the amount of pixels are limited, even with the break through found in adding pixels.  However it still has a chance to grow.  Now how can that work with my project?  Well my project is about seeing through one’s eyes virtual computer windows that one can interact with.  If these AR contacts ever come to the level of being able to show windows like these through ones eyes, the amount of years it’ll take for my product, the Neuro Linker, to come out should be accelerated to about 10 years.

Journal Entry # 3

Found quite a bit of info on the brain chip.  Pretty interesting stuff and is so far being used to allow those who are disabled to be able to move a machine as a replacement of a missing arm.  Found a of it on a monkey who is awarded similarly to that of the rats for their brain experiment.  When the monkey does a correct task, it is given water as a reward.  Shows how simple it is to make animals happy but then again, it advances technology so who am I to complain.  All in all, really cool stuff and hopefully they’ll find a way to make it so you can control objects with your mind without any sort of implant, but instead some kind of attachment on your body.  If they do get that far, hopefully I’ll also still be alive to see it.

Either way, as soon as they can make you control something with your brain without any said implant, but rather an attachment, we’d easily be able to take that and implement ways to have an actual neuro linker up and running.

Journal Entry # 4

I’ve been working on my Deliverables.  Mainly on recording for the video.  When I tried editing, it ended up in failure.  I thought I could pull it off with something like Sony Vegas but when you overlay a clip over another one, it doesn’t entirely work out as the way I intended.  I wanted to make it seem like I was touching the computer screen, but all that really happened was that it looked like I was touching behind the virtual computer screen, rather then on it.  All in all, a complete failure on my first attempt.  I shall take this time to learn more about the program, Adobe After Effects.  After doing some research on the program itself, I’m 100% positive I can do what I can do my vision in that video.  The problem itself is learning how to do it in only 3 weeks left of class.   Either way, I’m sure it can’t be that hard.  Frame by frame might be a problem but I’ve done videos where I worked on several hours on a few frames before so maybe I’ll see if I can get this down.

Journal Entry #5

Okay, the video was way over my head.  I was way too cocky, thinking I can make a very detailed video like that with a program I was unfamiliar with.  After many, many hours I was able to make some sort of hologram window but nothing close to what I wanted at all.  Really sad and seeing as how deliverables are due next week I find that I am really unable to do it.  Guess I’ll do something else like a presentation since although the recording is complete, the lack of editing will make for a lack luster video.  I mean, it really just ended up being me talking to myself.

After Effects isn’t entirely that hard, but the amount of time it would take for me to do what I’d want to do takes longer than the time I have available.  I don’t even think a month and a half would be able to cover it, so I’m just gonna do a slide show instead.

I guess I bit more than I can chew, trying to do more than I can handle.

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One Response to Journal Entries

  1. David, these are good journals, because they address the PROCESS , its ups and downs, which is one of the prime purposes of journals, they are the story of your experimentations.

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