Model Course Initiative Spring 2022

A City Tech OpenLab Project Site for Fellows

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Model Course & Course Hub Tours

In preparation for our first meeting, we invited you to watch or review the model course tour & course hub tour:

Model Course Tour
Course Hub Tour

We also wanted to give you a space to record and share your thoughts with the group, so as you think about your own work, feel free to leave a comment here to share how you envision any of these examples informing your approach, including course specific elements that you anticipate retrofitting, adapting, adding, or removing.


Outside a coffee shop featuring vintage gas pump plus a welcome sign and a howdy sign
“Welcome” by Abi via Flickr

Welcome, 2022 Model Course Initiative Fellows! We’ll use this OpenLab project to share resources, gather our work, and exchange ideas about the model courses and course hubs we’re creating.

The site can grow to meet our needs, so please ask questions, request new information or features, and add what you want to share with this private group.

[This post was previously stuck to the top of the homepage–which can be a nice way to keep a message visible while still allowing new content coming to the homepage below. Let’s talk more about this feature and the options available if you’re interested!]

Agenda for Session 1, 3/24

Join via Zoom

Before Session 1

Session 1: March 24, 2022, 10:00-11:30am



Shared Notes and Agenda Doc

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Model Course Initiative overview
    • OpenLab site for the seminar
    • What is a model course? What is a course hub?
    • Responsibilities and Deliverables
  • Sharing Project Plans: fellows discuss their project plans
  • Brainstorm: Things to consider, including:
    • course modality
    • student interaction
    • version control
    • sustainability
    • accessibility (preview for next session)
  • Setting milestones
  • Q&A
  • Prep for next session
  • Reflections

Before Session 2


More than just a place to ask questions and get or give answers, let’s also use this as a place for comments or conversation.

Because people are more likely to communicate in ways that feel comfortable, I present two options for any of your questions, answers, or conversations, depending on your preference:

  1. reply to this post, using the comments for your Q or A or C. Anyone responding can reply to your comment, creating a threaded conversation. Or,
  2. write a post and use this Q&A&C category, and your post will automagically appear below this one when you choose Q&A&C from the main navigation menu.

Not sure what these suggestions mean? This is a great place to ask!

[This post uses the Category Sticky feature, meaning it’s stuck to the top of this category archive, but is not stuck to the top of the Home page. Let’s talk more about how to use this feature!]

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