Welcome to Teaching with the OpenLab! This site provides resources and best practices to help you use the OpenLab effectively whether you’re teaching online, in hybrid mode, or in person. 

Start Here

This section provides support for faculty new to distance education, introduces you to the OpenLab, and helps you get signed up if you’re new to the platform. 

In this section you’ll find:

Build Your Course

This section introduces Courses on the OpenLab and provides step-by-step help for setting up your Course Site.

In this section you’ll find:

Teach Your Course

This section helps you with every aspect of teaching on the OpenLab from preparing course content to getting students started.

In this section you’ll find:

Best Practices

This section provides a list of common-sense best practices for digital pedagogy that you can use to evaluate your approach. 


This section offers a variety of options for Help if you need it. Questions? Suggestions? Feedback? Contact us at openlab@citytech.cuny.edu.