Class Info

  • Date: TK
  • Meeting Info: Individual Meeting Sessions Via Zoom


Critique of Final Presentations; Each of you will be given an individual meeting time of 15 minutes to go over your presentation slides with me. I will provide feedback on improving the visual look of your slides, as well as your theme.


  • Do a dry run of your final presentation for me
  • Demonstrate the ability to incorporate feedback in a timely manner
  • Provide your partner with a few questions you would have liked answered on their blog or blog posts you would have liked expanded with more detail
  • Show professionalism when receiving criticism from your instructor
  • Exceed the criteria on the Presentation rubric for this class.
  • Schedule your final presentation with me for either Week 14 or Week 15


There is no group discussion this week. In addition to meeting with me via zoom, I have paired you with another student in the class for this session. You should meet with them via zoom after meeting with me to go over your revised presentation before you give the talk before the whole class on either Week Fourteen or Week Fifteen.

In addition, you can review the additional professional resources I provided below

To-Do After Class

• see homework Assignments/Thirteen