COMD1257 Model Course

Faculty Name | Course - Section | Semester

Welcome to COMD1257 Typographic Design

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Course Information

Course Number: COMD1257

Course Title: Typographic Design

Course Description: Introduces a variety of basic layouts and formats for print and screen: the building blocks and technical fluency needed to solve the range of design problems using type. Basic typography skills, such as typeface selection and the use of typographical grids, are explored.

Credits / Hours: 2 cl hr, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr

Pre/Co-requisites: COMD1127 or COMD1167 Type and Media

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Class 14

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting InfoAdd online details or in-person location

To-Do Before Class

Complete Book in PDF format


Book Presentations


  • Students practice presentation skills.


Presentations of digital FILES

To-Do After Class


Class 13

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting InfoAdd online details or in-person location

To-Do Before Class

Add the tasks (readings, homework, assignments) students need to do before this class, along with any materials they will need. 


How to Finalize COVER?

Edits: Take one more look at your book: LOOK at list of specs

  • Remove unused styles
  • Remove unused typefaces /remove pages over the final number of pages
  • Make sure all your styles are correctly applied
  • COVER is completed with no typos


  • Students learn the importance of editing work.


Add the information covered in this class (class activities, readings, videos, slides, notes, recordings of class meetings conducted via web conference). 

To-Do After Class

Complete book, and export as PDF.

Final presentations next class

Class 12

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting InfoAdd online details or in-person location

To-Do Before Class

Completed master file and exported style sheets from sample document.
Edit cover


Cover Design: Once image is selected, apply cover text: Must use the word-mark for Taste 5, additionally the word REVIEWS must be incorporated into the cover



  • Continue to understand design work flow and keeping a strong typographical presence.


During Class we will place all text into our master file, and apply style sheets. We will also finalize number of pages. This will include front matter of book (title page, content page, introduction, followed by all the reviews.

To-Do After Class

ADD all pages including cover and apply styles to all your pages.

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