Dream job -Diego Atauchi

Professional Practice

Dream job

When I was in middle school , I was often asked what I wanted to become when I get older. My response to that question will always be ” I want to become an  Architect and be able to design and build my own house”. Attending NYCCT ,I didn’t  have any background knowledge on architecture or the  different programs they used. My first two semesters were really hard because I wasn’t sure if Architecture  was the right major for me. With the help of professor and classmates I was able to learn the different software, and began to get more interested in  Architecture.  This four years , I’ve learned with a Architecture degree they are many different careers that you can purse.  With this said ,whats my next move ?

After I graduate I want to start focusing more in becoming a landscape architect. I want to be able to create and design outdoor landscapes, and public areas  were people can interact and come together.  I will also  like to get an internship  in a small firm because it will allow me to learn more than a larger firm , and get the the feel of how an Architecture firm  really works. My end goal now  is to work in a firm and be part of projects that will get built, and be able to say that I was part of it.My future goal is to be able to design and build my own house.

2 thoughts on “Dream job -Diego Atauchi”

  1. Yes I agree those first two semesters are really difficult when coming into an unknown field of architecture, but as you said making connection with professors or classmates does make it easier.

  2. I have to agree with you, the first semester for me was the worst it made be second guess whether I had chosen the right career. And now that I am coming to the end of my degree I know I’m in love with architecture.

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