Marvin Guerrero’s Profile

Landscape Architecture & Urban Design
My Courses
ARCH 4861 Professional Practice 2019 Spring Mishara
An exploration of life after graduation focused on the AEC industry for work experiences and graduate study.
ARCH2310 Design III Summer2016
This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory as an expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building program and incorporating elements of site, enclosure, structure, material and technology. Design concepts and vocabulary are introduced and strengthened through design projects.
My Projects
Peer Mentoring In Engineering Technology
Program to increase retention of students in engineering technology programs.
Architectural Technology Peer Advisement
Welcome to the Peer advisement page for the Architectural Technology Department! Our main goal is to increase the retention of females within our department, but our services are available to all students! Percia Gomez, Marvin Guerrero, Alejandra Davalos and Elizabeth Ramirez are the Peer advisors for the ARCH Department and are available to help with tutoring, school website navigation, campus resources and more! If you’re seeking help in any of those categories, take a look at the calendar for the ARCH advisors’ office hours and drop in for a visit! Feel free to post any comments or questions related to the ARCH advisement program to this page, we’d love to hear from you!
My Clubs
Marvin Guerrero hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.