Category Archives: Uncategorized

Motion Blur

This photograph was taken while Alicia was walking towards the camera. It made her look like a ghost walking through the hallway and you can even see the people behind her through her. The shutter speed for this image was … Continue reading

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Prieto, A – LL5 Shutter Speed

  This photo was taken in the entryway of the building as students were swiping their IDs to get in. It was tricky to get a good shot because the amount of waiting involved just to catch the right moment. … Continue reading

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Openlab Entry: Shutter Speed and Blur

From the photo that I posted here, this is my favorite out of the top 5. In this photo, the shutter speed is 1/50 (3 seconds). The photo is a regular pose by the staircase but instead of the regular … Continue reading

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Luis Quinones Rubin Museum Assignment

                                                Steve McCurry’s Rubin Museum            Based on my class trip to the Rubin Museum in my thoughts … Continue reading

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Steve McCurry India

Christy Paz                                                                          4/1/16  City … Continue reading

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HW6: Steve McCurry’s India Exhibit

The Steve McCurry exhibit was made up of large photographs being “floated” off of the dark blue walls. They did not have frames around them and they were gently lit from above so they each had a small spotlight. The … Continue reading

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LL4- Portrait Basics

This photo have short light and shows the subjects features. It gives the pose empowerment and the blue brings out the shot. The shadows on the broad side shows dept. The asymmetrical pose of the subject dominates the page and … Continue reading

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LL4- Portrait Basics

The best photo that I chose is this image. This image gives a brief view from this person’s view through one taking the photo. The focus mostly matches on this photo as it gives a concentration to the lighting use … Continue reading

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LL4- Portrait Basics

Some important factors when shooting a portrait is the lighting your taking the photo in, the angle in which the camera is in, how much or how little the person is in the shot and the positioning of the person. … Continue reading

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LL4-Portrait Basics

1.When shooting a portrait some of the important factors are lighting, but also making sure your subject if is comfortable and relaxed. 2.With broad lighting, the light is hitting the subject broad side of the face, the side with the … Continue reading

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