Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

“The Art of Logo Design”

“The Art of Logo Design” Each logo expresses a particular feeling and meaning that bring to people. as time changes, the logo changes too. It feels great to see how each logo changes and the meanings behind it. I love the phrase” its an identifier but its also something that stands in for who you are”

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  1. Daniel Ortiz

    When watching the video “The Art of Logo Design”, I realized that a logo must be coherent, simple, elegant and must represent the company, what they do and who they are.

    I realized that for a logo to be successful, it must be practical for the target audience and, of course, appropriate. It should also be simple and work well in any situation and place.

  2. Mariolys Rosa

    I agree with you that a logo is supposed to be timeless, elegant and simple. Something which can be seen and recognized anywhere

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